Trump Wins Kentucky, According to Sen. Rand Paul and AP

Jack Phillips
By Jack Phillips
November 3, 2020Trump News
Trump Wins Kentucky, According to Sen. Rand Paul and AP
US President Donald Trump visits his campaign headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, Nov. 3, 2020. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

President Donald Trump won the first state in the 2020 election, taking Kentucky, according to The Associated Press’ exit polls and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

“The great commonwealth of Kentucky is the first state to be called for [Trump],” said Paul on Twitter.

Trump was widely expected to win in the state.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden, meanwhile, won in Vermont, according to AP exit polls. The win was also expected.

Trump won eight electoral votes from Kentucky, and Biden took three for winning Vermont. Vermont Gov. Phil Scott told news outlets that he voted for Biden for president, making him the first Republican governor in the country to acknowledge voting for the former vice president.

AP also called the Senate race for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) over opponent Amy McGrath.

The president began his day on an upbeat note, predicting that he’d do even better than in 2016. But during a midday visit to his campaign headquarters, he spoke in a gravelly, subdued tone.

“Winning is easy,” Trump told reporters. “Losing is never easy, not for me it’s not.”

Trump left open the possibility of addressing the nation Tuesday night. Biden had scheduled a nighttime speech from his Delaware hometown but, hours before slated to deliver it, he turned noncommittal, saying, “If there’s something to talk about tonight, I’ll talk about it. If not, I’ll wait till the votes are counted the next day.”

Trump also said on radio shows in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that he believes he will win Florida and North Carolina, expecting a great turnout.

The president also wrote on Twitter: “We are looking really good all over the country. Thank you!”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

From The Epoch Times