Twitter Blocks Account of Benghazi Hero for Insulting Obama Supporter

Colin Fredericson
By Colin Fredericson
September 12, 2018US News

Twitter banned and then restored the account of a man caught in a Twitter argument relating to former president Barack Obama and his controversial speech at the University of Illinois on Sept. 7.

The tweet that sparked the ban followed a retweet of a Now This post that showed a segment of Obama’s speech. The post showed Obama implying that President Trump would not stand up to Nazi sympathizers. The comment seemingly referred back to the Charlottesville, Virginia, “Unite the Right” rally of August 2017.

The retweet had come from a former Navy SEAL, Robert J. O’Neill, who is credited with firing the shots that killed Osama bin Laden. O’Neill had tweeted in reply to Now This: “Nazis are bad. Now try saying ‘Radical Islam…’”

O’Neill was referencing Obama’s known reticence in openly showing disdain for Islamic terrorists.

In response to O’Neill’s tweet, the Twitter account Secret Society Alumnus, with the handle @itmustend_, responded by saying “He kinda killed Osama Bin Laden, so….”

That is when Kris Paronto, a former Army Ranger and member of the CIA annex security team that endured the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, responded.

“OMG??!! Did you just tell the guy who Shot Bin Laden that @BarackObama did it? BWAHAHAHA Thank you for verifying that BHussein Obama worship and TDS causes liberals to skip retard and go straight to potato. #YouAreAnIdiot #NeverGoFullRetard”

Twitter then suspended Paronto’s account and removed the tweet. The account was restored once Paronto agreed to deleted his tweet but when he posted a follow up tweet that included a screenshot of the tweet he was forced to delete, Twitter suspended him a second time, according to American Military News.

The account for Secret Society Alumnus contains many anti-Trump tweets. Paronto sees his banning as part of a bias against conservatives on Twitter.

“So this is what happens when you call out a leftist group with TDS for being idiots and they cry to Twitter police who NEVER censors,” wrote Paronto.

Paronto told American Military News, “You know, you can put a picture of [President Donald] Trump’s severed head on Twitter, call for his killing, … but when you call out the left and the ignorance, it’s suppressed and you’re banned.”

Paronto is banned from tweeting until Sept. 17 and has been warned that the next time he engages in ‘hateful conduct,’ he will be banned from the platform for life, reported American Military News.

“My cards are on the table; people know how I feel. I say how I feel,” Paronto told the news outlet. “Now it’s coming to fruition that the left does censor conservative voices, anti-Obama voices and anti-deep state voices.”

He also told the news outlet that the whole incident has been a “blessing in disguise.”

“If I have to be the martyr for it, that’s fine. If you want to go into unconventional warfare, let’s do it. This shows people, especially young people, that there is an establishment side that is trying to control what you see and put out propaganda,” Paronto said.

Paronto Angered Over Obama’s Benghazi Comment

Paronto was also in headlines for harsh words towards Obama after hearing the former president refer to the 2012 attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi as a “conspiracy theory.” Obama made the remarks at the same speech, at the University of Illinois.

Paronto is considered a hero for fighting off terrorists during that attack. He says that Obama and Hillary Clinton left him and his associates to die there. Paronto worked with a CIA annex security team in Benghazi at the time, according to his website bio.

“It’s just another slap in the face. It makes all of us tremendously angry. Because he is trying to rewrite history and say that Benghazi didn’t happen. Especially to a group of college students who may not know the story,” said Paronto on Fox News. Paronto criticized both Obama and Clinton for continuing to turn their backs on the victims and survivors of the attack.