Creating new stuff from your unwanted things

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 1, 2017Entertainment
Creating new stuff from your unwanted things

Amazing how one person’s trash can be to someone else’s treasure. Trash is actually only what is no longer useful or desired for a single person, but may easily be valuable to most everyone else. 

This video generates inspiration for reduce, reuse and recycle on a whole new level. Practicing the 3R’s can have many advantages. Besides considerably reducing the burden human consumption and waste has on our planet, it boosts creativity and hand-crafting skills.

3R – or R3 – to reduce, reuse and recycle can people to love a more sustainable lifestyle, and save on natural resources, reducing and preventing landfills, and at the very least help us to save money used to dispose of rubbish.

We often hear how decisions made today impact the world tomorrow, so let’s take a look at some creative ways we can all be more responsible to the lives of our kids and future generations.