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But Claire said “I knew I wanted to fight for her.” On July 28, 2016, baby Azalea was successfully delivered.

Azalea was born with a rare condition where many vital organs in her abdomen were on the outside of her body. Parts of her stomach, bowel, gall bladder, and her liver were contained in the umbilical cord outside of her body. The abdominal muscles had not formed properly in utero, a birth defect known as omphalocele.
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Due to this condition, her parents were not able to hold her. She had to lie on her back for more than four months to facilitate the healing. More painful was the fact that they had to watch their baby Azalea starve. ‘We weren’t allowed to feed her for her first four days,” said Clare. The thin layer protecting her organs could break if extended by the feed. So the nutrients had to be delivered directly into her stomach.The mother had to stay with Azalea nine long weeks before they were allowed to take the baby home. During this period, the parents were trained on how to change the dressing on Azalea’s abdomen.

Azalea’s condition slowly improved enough for the parents to finally hold the baby and make skin-to-skin contact

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Azalea made good progress, considering the complications at  birth.  Although her organs were still outside of her body, she was stable enough to be allowed to go home.

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“Every time I see her do something new I want to take her back to the hospital and say ‘Look! She is compatible with life’,” said Clare.  Azalea even recently ate solid food for the first time!

Azalea is developing at a normal rate, and going through achieving her physical milestones on time

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Once Azalea is two years old, the doctors will proceed to enclose her organs inside of her abdomen. As for now, nurses visit her regularly to attend to her at home.