United Nations passes resolution to strengthen scrutiny of North Korea’s human rights violations

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 24, 2017World News

The United Nations agreed without a vote to a resolution on investigating North Korean human rights violations. The resolution was initiated by Japan and the European Union, and back by the United States.

An investigative report by the United Nations in 2014 revealed immense human right violations in North Korea. The information was obtained through press conferences and interviews with defectors.

The United Nations wants to strengthen efforts to hold North Korea accountable. Malta Ambassador Olaph Terribile represented the European Union in detailing just how egregious the violations are.

“We (speaking on behalf of the European Union) remain deeply concerned by the human rights situation in the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) and the findings of the COI (Commission of Inquiry) of ongoing, systematic, and widespread, gross human rights violations in the DPRK, some of which may amount to crimes against humanity.”