Vaccine Injured Data Excluded From Reports; OSHA Mandate Latest Case of COVID-19 Panic?

This week, the Biden administration rolled out its federal vaccine mandate, affecting 100 million workers. Is it needed? Or have politicians been too quick to press the panic button over COVID-19? John Tamny thinks so. He’s the director of the Center for Economic Freedom at FreedomWorks and author of the book, “When Politicians Panicked: The New Coronavirus, Expert Opinion, and a Tragic Lapse of Reason.”

And in America Q&A, we ask if you think D.C. is overspending or are bigger budgets needed to tackle big issues.

Next, as it gets harder to refuse the vaccine, those who’ve suffered from it just want to be heard and cured. This week, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) hosted an Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Injuries to bring attention to the widely ignored issue. We hear two of the many stories shared that day, from people who’ve suffered life-altering damage after volunteering for a vaccine trial. They say not only are they being ignored by the agencies that promised to look after them, but if their data isn’t being captured, that affects all of us. 

Finally, in America Q&A we ask: do you know anyone who’s had a bad, lasting reaction to the vaccine?

Watch the full episode on Epoch TV.