‘Very Interesting’: Reader Inspired to Seek the Truth After Reading ‘How Humankind Came To Be’

Roy Campbell got to know Falun Gong from a different perspective: Shen Yun, a top classical Chinese dance and music show.

He loves Chinese people and culture. To him, Chinese people are peaceful and loving, different from the Chinese communist regime. Over the past eight years, he has seen Shen Yun four times, with the latest in Bentonville, Arkansas, in February. He drove two hours from his residence in Missouri to see the performance. About a month before, he read Falun Gong founder Mr. Li Hongzhi’s recent article “How Humankind Came To Be.”

He said the article was “very interesting.” “I do want to know the truth,” he added. “I think the Chinese people have been on Earth a lot longer than anybody else has. And I find that fascinating.” As a Christian, he found much in common between the Falun Gong belief and his religion.

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Roy Campbell in Ridgedale, Mo., in February 2022. (Courtesy of Roy Campbell)

“They both have a supreme being; both receive the blessing of heaven if they do good and resist bad. I believe the ultimate goal is the same. To achieve everlasting life in the most beautiful place imaginable. Sometimes I wonder if our two religions (and others) are a matter of different languages and interpretations of the manuscripts,” the 63-year-old retired ironworker said in his written comments to The Epoch Times.

When reading the article, Campbell had flashbacks of the Shen Yun shows, which introduced Falun Gong’s philosophies and traditional Chinese culture. He said he became sure that the religious aspect or the spiritual dimension of Shen Yun made the show unique and kept drawing him back repeatedly.