Video of the Moment a Missing Submarine Is Found

By Reuters
November 18, 2018US News

The Argentine navy submarine that went missing a year ago off the country’s Atlantic Coast was found by a private company on Friday, Nov. 16, and new footage shows the moment remotely operated vehicles (ROV) discovered the sub lying on the sea floor.

Working from a control room inside a search vessel, two pilots from the marine tracking contractor Ocean Infinity guided an ROV to the submarine’s resting place 907 meters (2,975 feet) below the ocean’s surface.

Cameras on the ROV beamed back images of the submarine lying on its side in an underwater canyon.

Argentina’s Defense Minister Oscar Aguad confirmed on Saturday that Ocean Infinity discovered the ARA San Juan submarine after a massive search for the vessel and its 44-member crew.

The disappearance gripped the nation’s attention as the government struggled to provide information about the tragedy. Relatives of the crew still have questions.

Ocean Infinity, a U.S. company that can search and map the seabed, was hired by Argentina following the failure of an international operation to find the vessel after it went missing in the South Atlantic.

Ocean Infinity used five autonomous underwater vehicles to carry out the search, according to a statement from the company.