Video Shows Woman Confronting Porch Pirate Stealing Mail From Her Mailbox

Zachary Stieber
By Zachary Stieber
April 25, 2019US News
Video Shows Woman Confronting Porch Pirate Stealing Mail From Her Mailbox
A California woman caught a thief rifling through her mail. (Shirah Booker/Facebook)

Surveillance footage captured by a doorbell camera shows the moment a thief decides to go onto a California woman’s porch and look through her mail.

Shirah Booker said that she was at her Long Island home on April 18 when she received an alert that there was someone outside.

The footage showed the woman walking up to Booker’s door and start grabbing envelopes from her mailbox.

“You may wanna think twice about stealing from my house. Just FYI. I see everything! Someone’s always watching,” Booker wrote on Facebook, where she posted the footage.

You may wanna think twice about stealing from my house. Just FYI ????????‍♀️ I see everything! Someone’s always watching

Posted by Shirah Booker on Thursday, April 18, 2019

As the woman tears open an envelope to see what’s inside, Booker suddenly appears and grabs the thief’s arm.

“Hey!” the thief yells as Booker says “Get off my [expletive] porch.”

The thief leaps off the porch and Booker follows her, telling her to give her what she took. The thief insists that she didn’t take anything.

Booker then shoves her and makes sure she leaves her property.

"For the most part, I think of myself to be calm, cool and collected, but sometimes you do have to get a little rice crispy and snap, crackle and pop," Booker said. "People need to know you're not the one to mess with." ????????‍♀️

Posted by Shirah Booker on Sunday, April 21, 2019

The woman then walks away.

“She picked the wrong day and the wrong envelope to snatch up,” Booker told KTLA. “I mean it’s broad daylight. You think this stuff happens at night, when no one can see you. She got really ballsy.”

“When I opened the app, I see her grabbing the letter and it was kind of one of those moments like, ‘Oh, you got the right one today!'” Booker said, laughing, told KABC. “I kind of opened the door a little quietly ’cause I want to catch her in the act. I don’t want her to run.”

“For the most part, I think of myself to be calm, cool, and collected,”  she added. “But sometimes you do have to get a little rice crispy and snap, crackle, and pop.”

Booker asked the Long Island Police Department but said that she’s been frustrated by the response by the authorities.

It’s time for some answers Long Beach! I got nothing but time and promise I WONT stop until I’m heard! Reporter: Is…

Posted by Shirah Booker on Wednesday, April 24, 2019

“It’s time for some answers Long Beach! I got nothing but time and promise I WONT stop until I’m heard!” she wrote on April 24 on her Facebook page.

Local blog LBReport reported that the police department detained the suspect but then released her.

“The calling party in this incident did not desire prosecution, therefore no report was taken,” the department stated in an email to the blog.

But Booker said on her Facebook page that she never said that.

“What?!?!?! I never said that? Pull the tapes. Show me the receipts!!!” she said.

doorbell camera captures delivery driver sipping milkshake
A doorbell camera in a file photo. (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

She told LBReport that she called the police and notified them of the woman’s location. Police told her that they let the woman go, saying they didn’t find anything on her.

“He basically made me feel like I did something wrong,” she said, saying he told her that she took back her items and that there’s nothing they can do. She added that they didn’t have a report about the incident even though she said she’d called them within five minutes of the incident.

“I have video, I have still shots of her, I was the one who found her and reported to them where she was at for them to make the arrest, and they just let her go,” she said. “So, I just don’t understand how I’m protected. I don’t know what more I need to do to protect my home and protect myself. It’s very frustrating.”

“It’s kind of sad, because if you’re trying to do the right thing, you have to go through all these hoops and loops. I have to fight for what’s right, but it should kind of be the opposite.”

Doorbell Camera Captures Rescue

A doorbell camera captured the moment a pair of workers drove by a house on fire and stopped to rescue a woman stranded on the roof.

The men were driving down the street in Clarksburg, West Virginia, on March 26 when they spotted the house on fire.

The woman had crawled out onto her roof as smoke billowed out of the window behind her.

At first, the men seem to have driven right on by, but they soon reappear with a ladder and help the woman climb down safely.

Local resident Kyle Jenkins uploaded the footage to Facebook. He said that the Clarksburg Fire Department responded to the fire and put it out before it could get to other nearby houses.

Darick Hibbs identified himself as one of the men and commented on the post.

WARNING!!! Video may not be suitable for some viewers. Two men next to a structure fire on Fairview Ave in Clarksburg help save a women’s life who was stranded on top of her house. LIKE and SHARE to get the word out for the help that these two men provided to the city of Clarksburg WV. Thank you to the Clarksburg Fire Department for your quick response to today’s fire and managed to keep it from spreading to any nearby homes.RingTo use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email [email protected]

Posted by KyleMadJenkins on Tuesday, March 26, 2019

“I just want to say there is no thanks needed. I did just what I feel I was put on earth to do, and that’s to help people in need. I’m just glad the lady was able to get out!!” he said.

Crystal Lundell, who said she was the sister of the woman who was saved, thanked Hibbs and the other man. “Thank you to the men that saved my sister, you have no idea how much we appreciate you,” she wrote.

Fire Chief Rick Scott later told The Exponent-Telegram that a preliminary investigation indicated the fire was accidental.

He said that the woman was the only one home when the fire started but that normally six people live in the home. They have received assistance.

“I spoke with her yesterday, and the Red Cross is helping them out,” he said. “They gave them some vouchers and have put them up until they are able to find someplace to rent.”

Scott also noted that a smoke alarm woke the woman up and said: “If people can’t afford them (smoke detectors) then we work with the Red Cross to help provide them. The newer ones have 10-year batteries in them and they are sealed so the batteries can’t be taken out. If people get the newest ones then that is best.”