Watch Woman Taking a Selfie Destroys $200K Worth of Art

Jack Phillips
By Jack Phillips
July 14, 2017People
Watch Woman Taking a Selfie Destroys $200K Worth of Art
A young woman falls into an art installation, creating a domino effect and causing around $200,000 worth of damage, according to one of the artists. (Screenshot/YouTube)

After seeing this video, more museum curators may consider banning cellphones.

During a group show at the 14th Factory in Los Angeles, a woman attempted to take a selfie photo with her phone.

Then, everything went awry.

A video captured the woman—at around the 10-second mark—falling into the art installation.

It then topples into the next piece, which topples the next, and so on—like a set of dominoes.

The exhibition was brought by Hong Kong-based artist Simon Birch, according to Hyperallergic. Birch, Gabriel Chan, Jacob Blitzer, and Gloria Yu collaborated to create it.

As the Los Angeles Times reported, the installation is a “series of wondrous, over-the-top sets for the perfect selfie [that] makes Instagram the perfect platform through which to experience all the high-budget spectacle.”

“Three sculptures were permanently damaged and others to varying degrees,” Yu told Hyperallergic. “The approximate cost of damage is $200,000.”

From The Epoch Times