By Watching This You Will Know Why People Say That Conventional Locks Are Unsafe

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 20, 2016Latest
By Watching This You Will Know Why People Say That Conventional Locks Are Unsafe

Playing around with locks is something we all have tried at least once in our lives. Especially, by utilizing the expertise of a bobby pin. It has been such a failure. How do they manage to do that in movies is one question that I have always asked myself? Maybe they are akin to some secret of making it happen. Oh, jealousy why thou love us so much? Worry not, though. There’s a way you can do it too. Yup, not kidding. You are welcome.

Firstly, you need to take two booby pins and bend one at a 90 degree angle.

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Now, insert one pin in the lock hole.

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Holding the second one, try to push the levers up with it.

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The mechanism of lock picking is supposed to work like this.

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Assisting booby pins in functioning the same way as a key works.

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This video will walk you down the process.