The way this man tricks his dog to take medicine will make you laugh the whole day

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 5, 2017Entertainment
The way this man tricks his dog to take medicine will make you laugh the whole day

Nobody likes taking a bitter pill, not even if you are aware that it will eventually reduce your pain. Sometimes your beloved pets need medicine, too. But giving it to them can be quite tricky.

Either they take it at first and then will spit it out once they realize it doesn’t taste good or they won’t take it at all. Nearly all pet owners know this struggle of tricking your pet into taking their medicine. Some of them wrap the pill in bacon or something else, but it’s still not certain if they have taken it or just eat around the bacon…

Well, the method of this guy isn’t guaranteed to be successful every time either, but it looks quite easy. Just try to convince your dog/cat/whatever that the medicine is some kind of treat, and they are not supposed to have it yet. Then accidentally drop it on the floor and watch your pet gulp it up as if it was a treat.

It’s maybe not the most honest method, but in the video it does work well. In fact, you may try it at home next time your fluffy friend needs a cure.