When dad sings and other crazy family moments

Jan Jekielek
By Jan Jekielek
February 9, 2017Videos

If the Eh Bee family’s Miss Monkey kept a diary, here’s what the entries about Papa Bee’s singing might might look like:

Every family has to have a leader. Normally, that would be the parents. Not in our family. In our case, that’s me, Miss Monkey. Oh, and this is my dad. He loves to “sing.”


It’s my job to keep him from singing, so we made a special exercise room to discourage him. That didn’t work out so well.


My mom encourages him. Don’t ask why. My brother Mister Monkey and I don’t get it. Can’t they hear themselves?! Mister Monkey is more about peaceful protest, so he holds me back on occasion.


Make that MANY occasions.


When Jack’s not there to help, I do my best. Toilet-flushing is a tried and true method. It works. ☺


We love our mom and dad, and we know they weep with deep sadness when we go off to school. I’m sure they mope around the house all day, depressed, until we return.


You should really come over to our house sometime. It’s crazy. You can join us on one of our trips to the mall.


Oh, and holidays are big in our family! Our dad really gets into it.


Please rescue me. ☺ Love, Miss Monkey (I’m serious)

Thanks to the Eh Bee family for their hilarious videos!