White House clarifies border and immigration measures

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 22, 2017US News

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer gave an overview of memos related to President Donald Trump’s executive orders on immigration and border security.

Spicer stated: “This morning Secretary Kelly and the Department of Homeland Security released memos regarding the implementation of two of the president’s executive orders that are designed to protect the homeland. These two memos provide explicit guidance to DHS staff on how to carry out two executive orders signed by the president on January 25th, one dealing with interior enforcement and one dealing with border security.

“Perhaps most critically, the president is empowering DHS to carry out the immigration laws already on the books. Of course, DHS gave a full briefing on these memos this morning, but just to briefly summarize a few of the facts:

“The memo regarding the executive order enhancing public safety in the interior of the United States outlines several practices and policies in order to strengthen the efficient and faithful execution of this country’s immigration laws. That includes hiring more ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents and officers as well as additional mission support and legal staff necessary to support their activities.

“This memo also directs the establishment of The Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement Office within ICE, fulfilling another major campaign promise of the president.

“This office will facilitate the engagement with victims and their families to ensure their questions and concerns regarding immigration enforcement efforts are addressed.

“The memo regarding the executive order on border security and immigration enforcement improvements outlines the steps that DHS will take to secure the nation’s southern border, prevent further illegal immigration and to repatriate illegal immigrants swiftly, consistently and humanely.”

