Women Adopts Best Friend’s Four Daughters After she Succumbs to Brain Cancer

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 9, 2017Stories

It goes without saying that a promise between two best friends simply can’t be broken.

So when Liz Diamond asked her best friend since the fifth grade, Laura Ruffino, to look after her four girls if anything ever happened to her, Ruffino knew she couldn’t ever break her promise.

Woman Fulfills Her Promise To Best Friend

In August 2014, Diamond, a single mother of four, received devastating news. She had Stage 4 brain cancer.

As Diamond’s condition began to decline, she and her daughters, ranging from age five to twelve, would occasionally stay with Ruffino and her family of four. So, in a way the group was already like one big family.

Then the inevitable happened; Diamond passed away.

Ruffino and her husband took Diamond’s four daughters in and began the process of formally adopting the girls.

Woman Fulfills Promise

Considering the circumstances the girls’ transition into their new home went as smoothly as it could have gone, thanks in part to how close the two women were.

While the girls lost their mother and Ruffino lost her best friend, each gained a relationship with someone who loved them immensely.