Woman Buys Every Single Cupcake at Bakery After Getting Fat-Shamed

Tom Ozimek
By Tom Ozimek
April 6, 2018US News
Woman Buys Every Single Cupcake at Bakery After Getting Fat-Shamed
Vega Blossom's post about her response to being fat-shamed at a bakery has sparked controversy. (Vega Blossom/Facebook/Pixabay)

An Indiana teen has stirred controversy over her unexpected response to being fat-shamed at a bakery.

Vega Blossom shared in a Facebook post that she went to Designer Desserts in Valparaiso on Saturday, March 31, because she saw they were having a sale.

Vega wrote that as the line moved forward very slowly, a “really impatient” woman standing behind her began to make disparaging remarks about the customer currently at the counter, who was taking “FOREVER getting her cake.”

Then, when it was Vega’s turn to place an order, she claims she overheard the woman behind her say to a companion, “Thank God, now let’s hope this fat [expletive] doesn’t buy all the cupcakes.”

Vega wrote that she instantly decided to change her plans to buy only six cupcakes. Instead, she wrote that she purchased every last cupcake in the store just to spite the woman who made the comment.

“I SPENT $54 ON CUPCAKES JUST TO BE A *****. HAPPY EASTER,” Vega wrote on Facebook.

After she revealed her reaction to the alleged offense, her post lit up social media. At the time of writing it had been shared over 26,000 times.

Designer Desserts took note of Vega’s post, and while expressing reservation to jump into the fray, posted a comment in support.

“First off, this is not at all the kind of thing I want to be posting on social media, but it also shouldn’t be something that takes place as often as it does. Designer Desserts-Valparaiso is a BULLY FREE ZONE and WILL NOT TOLERATE these disgusting types of attitudes,” the post reads.

The person running the Designer Desserts-Valparaiso Facebook profile then thanked “all of us thick ‘n juicy Americans who love to indulge in sweets,” stating matter-of-factly that otherwise “I wouldn’t have a business.”

The individual carried on, expressing “sincere apologies go out to this beautiful young woman, and I cannot thank her enough for being such a loyal and amazing customer, we will be seeing you very soon :-)”

But not all the comments have been supportive.

One user identified as Ada Whitcomb urged restraint and “turning the other cheek.”

“I’d have bought the cupcakes,” she wrote, “then turned around and asked her how many she wanted, then gave them to her! That’s what Jesus would do! That’s what love does! Forgives our ugliness and then gives us what we don’t deserve!”

Some posters sympathized with this perspective.

“I love this post, but I love your comment more! You’re exactly right!” wrote Erin Rink.

Others suggested the story was a confabulation, designed to go viral and get attention.

“When ppl don’t realize this post was made about apple pies at McDonald’s and she switched words around,” posted Laura Hollis.

Vega defended her post, saying, “I dont need attention from people that bad to make up a post that was originally for my friends and family, but im glad you seem to know my life. Your just mad ya didnt get any cupcakes ?”

Some of the reactions to her comments were downright hostile, with a man identified as Nikos urging Vega to kill herself.

Vega brushed off the hurtful words, “Haha could you imagine being this ignorant,” she commented on the hurtful post.

She also shared that the dessert shop had cupcakes delivered to her at work, for which she was “so thankful for these guys and everything they have done for me.”

From The Epoch Times

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