Workers Housing Collapses in China, Kills 4

Tiffany Meier
By Tiffany Meier
November 23, 2021China in Focus

Chinese real estate company Evergrande’s crisis isn’t over. Hundreds of home buyers are protesting, as construction on their future homes has been suspended for months.

Reports of China’s so-called tofu buildings strike again. Four are dead after a residential workers’ dorm collapsed in the middle of the night.

China’s birth rate plummets to its lowest point in four decades, despite authorities’ efforts to encourage a baby boom.

A young man from Wuhan announces his decision to quit the Chinese Communist Party. He’s one of around 400 million Chinese people that have abandoned their ties to the CCP.

China is exerting pressure on a small European country related to tensions over Taiwan. But the United States is defending the country and is offering a trade deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

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