Young girl with down’s syndrome starts her own successful bakery since she couldn’t find job anywhere else!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 16, 2017Stories
Young girl with down’s syndrome starts her own successful bakery since she couldn’t find job anywhere else!

Living with disabilities is indeed a challenge but the real courage to conquer the odds resides in the soul. This lovely girl with Down’s Syndrome is the living proof!

Collette Divitto, is one amazing baker – it’s her passion and adding perfect taste into every bite is her specialty. She planned to join a bakery in Boston, so she filed many application to various companies. Her disability turned all the employers off, so she had to become a one-woman team.


The 26-year-old’s bakery has become a success and she hires others who suffer from disabilities like her.


Her mother Rosemary Alfredo always treated her as a normal child, she told ABC News: “I never raised her looking at her as if she had limitations.”


Collette Divitto learned baking and was very good at it. She used to bake on weekends for family and friends, and then at age 22 she decided to make it into her job. But everywhere she turned, she was rejected.

“Many people who interviewed me for jobs said I was really nice but not a good fit for them,” Divitto said in an interview with Upworthy. “It was really hurtful and I felt rejected a lot.”

But that did not deter her. With the help of her mother and sister, she started Collettey’s Bakery.


Collettey is pronounced as “Quality,” true to her baking skills. She was recognized and orders started pouring from big companies, such as Boston’s Golden Goose Market; in December 2016 she had 10,000 pending orders.


Her growing business led her to hire more workers.

“My biggest success so far is how big my company is growing, which means I can start hiring people with and without disabilities,” she said.

“Never give up. Don’t let people make you sad or feel rejected. Stay motivated and follow your dreams,” she said.

This young girl proves that real worth lies in the willingness to accept oneself and then work hard to overcome any obstacle – she not only created her place in the society but is also providing beautiful opportunities to the unprivileged!

Hats off to this special soul!

This story was originally published on