A young, struggling mother’s compassion saves a desperate homeless man from committing suicide

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 9, 2017Stories
A young, struggling mother’s compassion saves a desperate homeless man from committing suicide

It is not always monetary help that the poor, homeless souls, roaming around the streets require. Sometimes, a kind word, a simple gesture, can change the route of a life, if only someone would spare a few precious moments.

One day Casey, a young, struggling mother, stepped out for a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts and noticed a homeless man outside the coffee shop, looking for change on the ground. He happened to enter the coffee shop along with her.

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

“Eventually I saw him stroll into Dunkin, as he was counting his change to buy something,” she said on her Facebook. “I began to get super annoying and talked to him over and over again even when he didn’t really want to talk.”

Then she did something he was not expecting.  She offered him to sit with her, and hesitatingly, he agreed.

He must have felt the warmth in this kind lady’s words and relaxed, sharing the story of his life. He also said his name was Chris.

“He told me a lot about how people are usually very mean to him because he’s homeless, how drugs turned him into the person he hated,” Casey explained.

Illustrative image. Source: Wikihow
Illustrative image. Source: Wikihow

He went on to relate the happenings in his life.  “He said he lost his mom to cancer, he never knew his dad and he just wants to be someone his mom would be proud of (along with another hour’s worth of conversation.)”

Finally, when Casey had to leave ….

“After realizing I really need to get back to class, Chris asked me to wait so he can write something down for me. Handing me a crumpled up receipt he apologized for having shaky hand writing, smiled, and left.”

It read, “I wanted to kill myself today, because of u I now do not. Thank u, beautiful person.”

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

Casey is also a student, struggling and trying to ascertain a better life for her and her baby’s future and this incidence impacted her a lot.

NTD Photo
Casey Fischer / Facebook
Casey’s story inspires us to look up, smile at the world and the real people around you, spare a few moments out of the time we unnecessarily waste doing nothing specific, for some small act of kindness can change another living being’s life.