A Delicious Hot Pot Dish for a Cold Night | Eat Better

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
May 22, 2022Eat Better

Winter is a good time for reflection, contemplation, and looking within. It is the time to focus on nurturing and recharging ourselves for the next burst of growth and outward activity in spring.

In traditional cultures, when people lived in close harmony with nature, they ate different foods. What they ate depended on the season, and winter was the time to eat more nourishing and warming foods like thin soups and roasted foods.

So, with the chill setting in, it’s time to set aside the salads, yogurt, ice cream, and icy drinks, and get something a little warmer going. Typical Asian dishes to eat on cold wintry nights are hot pot dishes. And that is what we are going to make on this episode of Eat Better.


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