New Show ‘Mysteries of Life’ Explores the Big Questions of Human Existence

What happens when we die?

A new show by NTD Television sets out to explore answers to this question, and other great questions about humanity: Who are we as human beings? Where did we come from? What’s our afterlife like?

“Mysteries of Life,” a weekly series, investigates the mysteries of the universe, time, and humanity. Through interviews with experts across various fields and real-life cases, the show explores questions about near-death experiences, reincarnation, polytheism, the creation of humankind, cultivation of mind and body, divine culture, and much more, according to its official description.

“We’re living in particularly trying and often overwhelming times,” said Miguel Moreno, producer of “Mysteries of Life.”

“A never-ending news cycle of economic hardship, war, failing education systems, complex issues brought about by modern technology, threats to the natural environment, and crime. These are important issues, but the anxiety they cause us can disrupt our minds, making us forget about our spiritual nature—often leaving us with little time to think about life’s biggest questions.

“And that’s why we created this program,” explained Moreno.

“We want to offer people a show that taps into the awe-inspiring mysteries of the universe and humankind—a chance to slow down and explore these big questions like ‘Why are we here?’ and ‘What is our purpose?’

“Listening to our guests’ stories, such as those of past life therapist Carol Bowman and near-death experiencer Betty Eadie, has reminded me of how helpful it is to hear fresh perspectives on why we’re faced with hardship and how we can learn from it,” said Moreno. “I’m very excited to present our viewers with these stories.”

Glimpses Beyond the Veil

The show features guests, including those who have experienced or done extensive research on the afterlife.

The term “near-death experience” was coined in 1975 by psychiatrist Dr. Raymond Moody, also featured on the show, and has since been the topic of many studies.

“I’ve been very surprised by the amount of spiritual phenomena, such as near-death experiences, that can actually be backed up scientifically,” said Moreno. “Speaking with researcher and author Dr. Jeffrey Long really opened my eyes to the impressive field of scientific research on these spiritual experiences.”

The show also “seeks to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western spiritual beliefs and culture while simultaneously exploring the true relationship between mankind and divinity.”

“Mysteries of Life” can be watched weekly on NTD Television and EpochTV. It broadcasts weekly on Saturdays at 9 p.m. ET beginning March 25. The first episode premiered online on March 20 on both and

NTD Television Network is an international news and media company headquartered in New York City. It broadcasts across 36 states servicing over 23 million households via cable and 60 million people via over-the-air channels. NTD also has 1.32+ million YouTube subscribers on its main NTD account.

From The Epoch Times