Shen Yun Performance an Eye-Opening Experience: Business Owner

December 30, 2023

Shen Yun Performing Arts has been captivating audiences across the United States and Europe with its display of traditional Chinese culture. The performances have garnered immense praise from spectators worldwide.

Attendees have expressed their appreciation for the high energy and positivity exhibited by the dancers on stage. “I feel like that pertains to you, and you feel that joy,” shared Lidia Mata, a business owner from Houston, Texas.

“I love all the choreography, the flowy costumes, everything about it, and you can just feel the energy off the stage. It’s really exciting,” said Tracy Hayden, a dancer from Houston.

The stunning performances by the female dancers especially stood out for Nomi Ganbold, a model in Boston. “All the performances that involve women were just amazing. The movements, the colors, and the dancers are just so talented.”

Apart from the stunning visuals, Shen Yun’s performances carry a deep spiritual message. The performances aim to revive the age-old Chinese culture that was nearly extinguished during the communist regime in China. The inability of the Chinese population to witness Shen Yun’s performances has saddened many attendees. “It’s a great message that should be spread to parts where they can’t see it,” said Nicola Canosa, a financial adviser from Florence, Italy.

The beautiful colors, stunning performances, and feminine energy left a lasting impression on Ms. Hayden. “You just get caught up in it because you’re in the show. You’re just entranced with the backdrops and everything that’s going on. Everything’s beautiful.”

The performances have also been an eye-opener for some, providing them with a renewed appreciation for the traditions of China. “It was beautiful. It kind of opened my eyes to the traditions of China. This is the first time I’ve ever been here, so it made me really appreciate even ballet,” said Set Linares, a business owner from Houston.

As the tour continues through the New Year, Shen Yun is starting performances in San Francisco and the UK.

NTD News, New York.