County Representative Deeply Impressed by Shen Yun’s Artistry

May 29, 2024

Shen Yun Performing Arts graced the stages—in San Luis Obispo, California, and Omaha, Nebraska—on March 26 and March 27. Among the audience was Kathleen Goble, who arrived as the representative of the county chairperson, Supervisor Debbie Arnold, and presented Shen Yun a resolution of recognition to welcome and honor them.

“I’m so impressed. It is extremely well done, everything from the choreography to the dance. Very, very impressive, the costumes and the color. It’s fantastic, everybody should see this show,” said Ms. Goble, the legislative aide at the County of ​​San Luis Obispo.

“It’s been just fantastic. I’ve been blown away by the performances and the dancing is just overwhelming,” said Randy Porter, a former journalist.

“The music has just been fantastic. It’s the best orchestra I’ve ever heard.”

“They just float effortlessly and floated across the stage, everything was just magical,” said Lauriana Fortuna, the wedding photographer at Fortuna Photography.

“The dance parts really draw your attention, but it’s also the storylines behind everything that draw you in on where to focus. It’s a good mix of both the dancing and the storylines,” said Jeff Ryba, an environmental inspector for the City of Omaha.

Shen Yun draws inspiration from China’s 5,000 years of culture—which ancient Chinese people considered a gift from the Divine.

“The explanation of God and man together and bringing them together as one, reuniting and returning to what once was, bringing it back to where we are today,” said Ms. Goble. “I think it’s really important. It’s something we have often taken for granted and I think it’s been lost, all but lost. Especially as we see in our culture and society today.”

“It’s a great message of selflessness and doing things for the greater good, is how I view it,” said Mr. Ryba.

Shen Yun has 8 companies that travel the world and bring audience members a brand new program to enjoy every season.

“I think that they’re doing a beautiful job and I applaud all of their efforts and all the work that goes into this beautiful art form that they create,” said Ms. Fortuna.

“It was a very energetic show all the way through and it was so positive and uplifting,” said Margaret Mayhugh, an attorney. “This was a really beautiful production and a moving display of a beautiful culture.”

Shen Yun’s 2024 world tour ended in May.

NTD News, New York