Olympic Medalist: Shen Yun Is an Ambassador of Goodness

May 18, 2024

Shen Yun performed its third and final performance at the Metropol Theater in Bremen, Germany, on the evening of May 2. Tickets for all three performances in the city sold out a month in advance.

The performances featured traditional Chinese culture, including classical Chinese dance, music, and vocal performances, showcasing China’s 5,000-year-old civilization on stage.

The audience was in awe, with many describing the performances as “beautiful,” “athletic,” and “impressive.”

“Very good, very good, really very good. This variety, these dances … it’s amazing how they manage that. As an art form, I just find the whole thing really attractive. I have to say, very beautiful,” said Dr. Michael Cross, the head of a stem cell laboratory at Leipzig University.

“I thought it was very nice. I liked the costumes very much, the dancing very much, the music was very impressive with Eastern and Western components. I liked it very much,” said Kirsten Seeger, a partner of NEUWERK Rechtsanwälte.

“I like the mixture of aesthetics, athletics, modern stage design, nevertheless the traditional component, and I think it’s all wonderfully united in this program. It’s really fun to watch,” said Axel Hager an Olympic medalist.

“Both in the dance and in the very beautiful choreography, the very beautiful music. Well, I found that quite impressive. Yes, very, very beautiful,” said Börge Seeger, a partner of NEUWERK Rechtsanwälte.

Dieter Burdenski, former goalkeeper of the German national soccer team and honorary captain of Werder Bremen, said he was deeply impressed.

“There are many traditional values, I think. What I’ve seen here is respect. Respect in the way you treat each other and also the way you experience the culture, and also the way the culture presents itself here. That is a great pleasure,” said Mr. Burdenski. “For me, China is the people, the culture, the way people live in China, how people treat each other, how the children are to their parents. And from there the performance is a sign: how Chinese culture was and is. And I think that’s also very important for people in Germany and around the world, to get to know Chinese culture a little.”

“I think you rarely see this traditional form. I haven’t seen it before, but I thought it was really successful. Even the encompassed time period—a bit modern, a bit old,” said Dr. Cross. “What interests me very much is this belief in the kingdom of heaven, the connection with the kingdom of heaven. Faith runs through their whole life. Faith is probably the most appropriate word, and it guides life. I think this is a very strong virtue​​ that permeates the whole culture. So that’s what impressed me.”

“I believe that the culture and values of China must be experienced worldwide. And you can experience them when you attend this event, because I also believe that many in Europe only know China to a limited extent and are also not familiar with Chinese culture,” said Mr. Burdenski. “And I think that’s a very important contribution to Chinese culture worldwide.”

Theatergoers also took note of the Shen Yun artists’ athleticism.

“My first impression is that it is a very attractive art form, really very successful. I think the talent of these dancers is incredible. The coordination is really impressive, and it presents an entire story. So, I think that’s what impressed me,” said Dr. Cross.

“What I also find so fascinating is this synchronicity of the dancers and the bright colors and the mixture of everything. I can only recommend it,” added Sabine Hager, the wife of Axel Hager.

“I am really thrilled by the presentation. Expression, aesthetics, elegance, but also athleticism. I like the jumps: They are really very impressive. And I would like to tell [Shen Yun] that they should definitely continue because they are ambassadors for the world, of the goodness in the world,” said Mr. Hager.

“[The artistic direction] is unique. We don’t even need to mention it, because I believe no one else in Europe can come close to realizing what is presented here. Also, the people who are involved in it—in all areas—the music, the choreography, the visuals … Why do so many people come see it? Why is it sold out? They come because it’s so good,” said Mr. Burdenski.

“Very great work, very impressive. The ease with which they perform a very difficult program here. Keep up the good work, we’re looking forward to next year,” said Mrs. Seeger.

NTD News, Bremen, Germany