French Musicians Praise Shen Yun: ‘Fabulous!’

May 29, 2024

Classical Chinese dance company Shen Yun Performing Arts completed its 2024 visit to France earlier in May. Gracing the stage for one final performance in Amneville, also known as “the City of Leisure.”

The New York-based company tallied 72 performances in 10 cities across France this season. And its final performance there was received with warm applause and cheers from the audience.

“The show was fabulous. I must admit I admired the technical prowess, the costumes of course, and the way the dancers moved and jumped. It’s extraordinary. It demands perfection and at the same time a great coordination, since all the movements were executed in parallel at the same time with the music. It was really magical, fabulous,” said Christine Masson, a former administrative director of Metz Music Conservatory.

“It shines brightly, it’s really very beautiful. There are wonderful tableau, the colors, the dancers, the music. Everything is perfectly synchronized. It’s really very, very beautiful,” said Pierre-Henri Maillard, a musician and a professor at Music Academy International.

“The level of artistry is absolutely wonderful and really very high level. Everything is absolutely synchronized and very pretty,” he added.

“I find it enchanting, really. The dances are magnificent, sometimes very delicate, sometimes acrobatic. And then there are the little stories,” said Jean-Pierre Pireaux, a psychologist.

Shen Yun tells the story of Chinese civilization, from its inception over 5,000 years ago up through the modern day. Using Classical Chinese dance as a medium, the artists portray scenes from myths and legends, as well as historical events.

“Frankly, I really get into the show in the sense that I’m really living the story that’s being presented. They really show empathy and really get down to the audience’s level and explain what Chinese culture is all about,” said Philippe Gobert, a division commissioner at the Belgium Federal Police.

“Whether it’s the men or the women, they give themselves [to their art] completely. As well as the orchestra, the orchestra is also fabulous and the different singers and musicians as well. They are fabulous,” said Elisabeth Lapinte, a professional dancer.

“Of course, it presents a very high standard. These are artists who have extraordinary training and education, which enables them to do this, the timing, the whole thing where every gesture is perfectly executed in perfect harmony,” said Mr. Pireaux.

“Indeed. I feel the Divine and the spirituality through the people smiling, and also through the dance and culture,” said Asta Gerhardt, a procurement officer at the European Stability Mechanism.

For thousands of years, Chinese culture embraced strong faith in spirituality. Ancient people believed that good and evil have their consequences, so virtues were promoted throughout all levels of society. In the middle of the last century, China’s rule was taken over by the communist party. Communism’s atheist doctrines sharply contrast with ancient Chinese culture, so the country’s new communist leadership sought to destroy those traditions. Today, Shen Yun is working to revive them on a global scale.

“[Shen Yun] gives a lot of hope. I think life isn’t always easy. Even when we see the good side in this show, there are also very difficult things, and this Heaven-to-man connection allows us to move forward and always have hope for tomorrow,” said Ms. Masson.

“I think that this show can bring and transform the spirituality and modesty of the people, but also give them different perspectives of life: being more grateful, spiritual, happy, and also thankful to everything, what they have,” said Ms. Gerhardt.

“I think it brings us hope, definitely hope; beauty, because we also need to have beautiful things to look at, and then to tell ourselves that: “Yes, we can move forward. Yes, not all is lost, despite the harshness of life.” This show gives us energy and strength,” Ms. Masson added.

“It’s a breath of freedom that’s being presented here. Unfortunately, it cannot be found in [today’s] China, which is very, very regrettable,” said Mr. Pireaux.

“It’s magic! We really need that today in this world, where there’s too much violence. And it gives us a form of poetry. It’s extraordinary. We absolutely must continue this kind of show and really show [Shen Yun] a lot of gratitude,” said Ms. Lapinte.

“Right now, I feel I’m in a great [mental state], and I’m looking forward to the days ahead. Yes, in a great state. I think the energy of the show resonated with me,” said Mr. Maillard.

“I feel very, very good. I’m on cloud nine. I also feel like I’m being carried. That was marvelous, we’re in the realm of the marvelous,” Ms. Masson added.

NTD News, Amneville, France