Mexico Theatergoer: Shen Yun Is a Gift for the Soul

May 15, 2024

Through heavenly scenes, classical Chinese dance, music, and legends, audience members from Mexico City were taken on a journey through time to ancient China—after watching Shen Yun Performing Arts from May 1 through May 3. Audience members marveled at the artistry.

“You notice the divinity, that connection with the spiritual and it is combined with their stories. Like all the stories they tell in each show, in each dance, they complement each other quite a bit and they manage to make us feel a peace that is accompanied by divinity, I believe,” said Johana Mata Chavarria, a radio host and producer.

“I have always found Asian and Eastern culture to be beautiful and here we see the real thing. The clothes, the music, everything seems incredible to me. I loved that it was very organic,” said Alejandra Huerta, an actress, model, and artist.

Shen Yun travels with a live orchestra that combines both classical Chinese instruments and Western instruments, a combination that has Diego Rosas Urquiza, an orchestra director and violinist, deeply impressed.

“I thought it was wonderful. I think there is an incredible amalgamation between Eastern and Western music; The melodic lines seem beautiful to me. The harmony used is a distinct harmony, one that takes us to the East, so I liked it a lot.”

Shen Yun aims to revive China’s 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture and values. Audience members expressed their deep appreciation for the values Shen Yun showcased in the performance and said those values are also important for the world of today.

“In the world we live in with so many problems, violence, especially here in Mexico, we are so sensitive to all this. [Shen Yun] is a remedy because you return once more to the original, genuine values ​​of human beings and this makes you feel that returning again to love, peace, compassion, and all that is something that goes beyond the aesthetic. That is, it comes to you as a message of great value,” said Montserrat Cama Gual, the founding partner and director at Megaron Consultoría.

“The music that they played and what the tenor sang, I would like to say, what he sings is very nice and also true. Nowadays, we have these values that ​​are being lost. And the truth is that what he says there is very true. We must have that tolerance, that patience, that kindness that all human beings lack today,” said Sandra Leticia Pérez del Valle, a lawyer.

“Freedom, honesty, and responsibility. The representation of those values are magnificent,” said Alberto Diaz, a lawyer.

“How beautiful is it that through the arts we can understand and that this travels around the world, because I believe that the culture and heritage of the Chinese is something that must be shared,” said Mariana Braun, a radio and TV host and an actress.

“I’m very happy to be here, to be able to experience it, to live it, and to announce it tomorrow on the radio,” she added.

I think it’s one of the greatest shows of today, and I think no one should miss it. It is a gift for the soul, for the heart, for the being, especially in these difficult times internationally. I believe that human beings must unite from the heart, from the soul, and I believe that Shen Yun does this and teaches it to all of us,” said Lidia Rendon, an opera singer, actress, and dancer.

“Congratulations to everyone and you can’t miss this show. You can’t miss it because it is majestic, it is a luxury from start to finish. Congratulations,” said Miguel Pizarro, an actor.

Every season, Shen Yun artists bring an all new program for audiences around the world to enjoy.

NTD News, Mexico City, Mexico