Shen Yun Brings Audience Members on a Trip to Heaven

February 26, 2019

With costumes that are true to the time and location of the story and a projected backdrop that takes the audience through time and space, many audience members say that watching Shen Yun is like getting a lesson in Chinese history.

Ilona Brandt, the owner of her finance business, was thankful for Shen Yun to show its beauty and inspiration with the audience.

“I thought it was creative, I thought was imaginative, I thought it was dynamic, I loved the dance and the acrobatics. The costumes and the color were just breathtaking and beautiful, as were the visuals in the background which were incredible and very imaginative. It took you to a place of heaven and it was a spectacular performance,” Brandt said. “So thank you for the privilege. And the music was great, the orchestra was tremendous. So thank you for sharing Shen Yun.”

Shen Yun draws inspiration from China’s 5,000 years of civilization and the virtues it has long embraced and passed down through its culture. Jeff Turi, CEO of CBI Group, was amazed to see China’s real culture outside of China.

“It’s interesting, several years ago we had gone to China and we had seen some other different performances so we’ve seen some performances in China, but nothing like this, so it’s great to be able to connect the history [and the] the culture…,” said Turi. “In the U. S. we often hear about European history, Roman history, Greek history but we don’t hear much about Asian history. so from that standpoint … it’s good for us here in the U.S. to see and learn about history through culture and dance.”

TJ Zak SVP, investment officer at Wells Fargo, also enjoyed Shen Yun’s unique display of traditional Chinese culture.

“I think it’s great to be able to experience this culture. This idea which is been closed off for so long, we actually get a chance to see it,” Zak said. “That was wonderful.”

Divinely Inspired Culture

According to Shen Yun’s website, classical Chinese dance was passed down over thousands of years among people in imperial courts and through ancient plays. Aubrey O’Hara, a professional dancer and model, loved the way the artists expressed themselves to tell the stories.

“I’m loving it. I know ballet in particular so this is quite different than ballet, but they have beautiful form and technique and I’m appreciating all of the aesthetic,” she said.

O’Hara also enjoyed the aspect of divinity in the dances.

“I really enjoy the spirituality in it and I think it’s neat to learn a bigger picture other than just seeing what you see but knowing what’s behind it,” said O’Hara.

“Yeah I agree, I think the spiritual side of it is something that probably is very deep in the Chinese culture and it’s apparent when you watch them dance, and you watch them tell the story, so I think it’s wonderful,” added Zak.

O’Hara and Zak also appreciate Shen Yun’s efforts to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture through dance and music.

“I think that’s a great mission I’d like to learn more and I think it’s something that we don’t hear much about every day, so it’s a neat experience,” she said.

“I think it’s great to remember our past and kind of understand that and have some history as well so I think that’s wonderful,” added Zak.

NTD News, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania