Shen Yun: Refounding Culture

Shen Yun: Refounding Culture
Louis Lombardo and Granddaughters after seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts at Lincoln Center in N.Y. on Jan. 13, 2019. (Sheng Hua/NTD)
January 15, 2019

“Outstanding” was one word audience members used to describe the performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts at David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center on Jan. 13.

“It was just a great performance,” said Jerry Cammarata, Chief Operating Officer at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. “It was the best that New York City could ever experience. It was lively, it was spiritual. It’s what just raised the spirits of all of the people here.”

A frequent theater visitor, Marlyn Friedberg, Owner of Friedberg Properties & Associates, described the experience as delightful and enjoyable.

“It’s different than anything else,” said Friedberg. “The dancing and the choreography is incredible. The costuming, and I think its ingenious, how they did the backdrops this time. I’ve never seen anything like that.”

Louis Lombardo, Former Executive Vice President of American Express, brought his granddaughters to see the performance.

“I thought the performers were outstanding,” said Lombardo. “I thought each one of them was just as good as the other. I thought the individual dancers, I preferred some over others, but generally they were all good. The musicians were fabulous, and I thought the singers were also good.”

“I think the whole thing was so well put together you can’t pull it apart,” said Friedberg

From ancient folklore and legends, up to modern day stories based on real events, uplifting messages of divinity and hope were imparted and expressed to the audience through traditional Chinese dance.

“Touching,” said Lombardo. “You know, that people are being persecuted for saying the truth in what they believe and having to flee families and friends.”

“You know it’s a it’s a shame that the Chinese people, but the world in general has lost some of the culture from China,” he said. “Because it’s being suppressed. So I thought this show introduces people to a culture that needs to refound.”

Since 1999 up to today, the communist regime in China has persecuted the spiritual practice of Falun Gong or Falun Dafa, for refusing to give up their beliefs and upholding the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

“Well that’s what we all should be, we all should be following,” said Cammarata. “It is a basic religion, it’s a basic spirituality, it’s just a matter of goodness and goodness should be in all of us.”

“I plan to bring my six granddaughters back,” said Friedberg. “It’s a must-see. If you miss it this year, see it next year.”

NTD News, New York