Shen Yun’s First Time Performing in Greeley

August 4, 2021

It’s Shen Yun Performing Arts’ first time performing in Greeley, Colorado. There were three performances from Jul. 31 to Aug. 1. For many audience members, it’s their first time watching.

“I didn’t realize how much acrobatic and athletic components there are to traditional Chinese dance. That was beautiful to see today,” said Laura Walker, director of Human and Economic Health Services in Larimer County.

“It’s interesting to try and remember that all the music is being done live, that it’s not a recording. So there are both Western and Eastern instruments being played,” said Stephen Ponce-Pore, branch manager at Revolution Mortgage.

“It’s really interesting to see the expression of the different areas of China, and really interesting to see the mix between Eastern and Western culture brought in this show,” said Ponce-Pore.

Many attended with family members. Gina Johnson, an oboist and co-owner of Grenadilla House Music Company, attended the performance with five children.

“I thought it was extremely well-balanced. Some instruments were very familiar, and it was neat to hear the Chinese instruments that were featured. It was beautifully done,” said Johnson.

“Getting to see that you can dance with anything. You can dance with brooms; you can dance with napkins. It was really, very artful, extremely well done,” said Johnson. “I loved the balance, and learning about the culture, the balance between fast and slow, and soft. And that was really educational.”

“The dancers are absolutely beautiful. And it’s definitely different than just a very standard ballet; it’s so much more involved,” said Andria Porter, a realtor. She brought her daughter Ashleigh with her.

“We were going to go before COVID and I was sad when it got canceled, and so when we finally got to go, I was really excited,” said Ashleigh.

“A lot of it is very touching,” said Porter. “And the fact that this performance couldn’t be done in China, you know, it’s surprising and sad. But also, there’s so much we don’t understand about Chinese culture.”

The performance cannot be seen in China because some of its pieces depict the reality of the Chinese Communist Party persecuting its own people.

“I think it’s so important to get past the political problems that China’s been having and make everyone remember how much richness there is to the culture and how important it is to the rest of the world,” said Walker.

“Very hopeful. And I love the kindness that they showed, and in the midst of persecution in some of the scenes and just, it was very beautiful, very, very beautiful,” said Brenda Short, an artist.

“It’s a good reminder that we’re all connected, no matter what culture we come from,” said Walker. “And so to be reminded that there can be heaven here on Earth, with all of us together, it’s really beautiful too.”

Shen Yun will be heading to Rapid City, South Dakota, next.