Producer: Shen Yun Performance is ‘Otherworldly’

February 26, 2019

Shen Yun is halfway through its 25 performances in Philadelphia at the historic Merriam Theater, with only limited seats left for the upcoming weeks.

Malissa Chappius Busconi, the casting producer of Bachelor & Bachelorette shows watched Shen Yun for the second year on Feb. 21.

She was again impressed with the production.

“It’s beautiful. They do a great job, they’re so talented. I really love how they utilize the screen and then along with the people,” said Busconi.”I love how they have the introduction and then you watch the story go throughout each decade and throughout the time. It’s gorgeous.”

Marlin Bert, a painter and a documentary producer for Natural Lights Films was not only attracted by its color combination, but also in awe with the precision of the dancers.

“The color is fantastic, it’s over the top color, I’m a little bit more restrained with mine, but it’s really great. And I love the interaction between the screen and the background and the timing,” said Bert. “They’re doing things that look like it’s almost impossible to do sometimes. And the precision of everything … everybody is moving at the exact same time, sometimes twenty people all at once. It’s almost otherworldly.”

Busconi said that she also felt great energy from the dancers and its unique live orchestra.

“The music and the spirituality of it makes it very relaxing and takes away your stress,” she said. “It’s a very good energy, last year when I came, same thing, I felt very positive, happy, and it was wonderful.”

Devine Culture Returns

After the communists took power in 1949, the regime has destroyed people’s belief in the divine and nearly taken away all of the core values of Chinese culture, demonizing them as superstition. Shen Yun’s mission is to revive the lost traditional Chinese Culture.

Fabienne Zangerle, a photographer and the owner of Clear Portraits, brought her daughter to watch Shen Yun, she said that it was not only beautiful but also very educational for herself and her daughter.

“I think that’s great. I think the culture, and the beauty, and the knowledge, that has all been squashed. When I came here I did not know that it was a nonprofit, that it had higher goals, so I was really impressed with that fact, that they want to bring back what the Communist Party tried to destroy.”

Knowing that persecution still continues today, Zangerle felt that its important for Shen Yun to show this to the world.

“So I thought it was really important for my daughter to see that,” she added. “I think it’s important for her to know that that’s happening. So I thought it was entertaining but it was also … she learned a lot today. It’s also important for her to appreciate what we have here.”

And she added that she’s glad to be here and enjoy the performance. “I feel so blessed and inspired by the beauty.”

Busconi added that she will be back next year.

“I’ll come back again next year definitely because it’s different.”

NTD News, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania