‘Stunning’ and ‘A Visual Feast’: Gymnastics Federation President Marvels at Shen Yun’s Performance

May 15, 2024

On May 7 and May 8, Shen Yun Performing Arts brought audiences a glimpse of traditional Chinese culture to a packed theater in Curitiba, Brazil.  Shen Yun also received a congratulatory letter that was signed by 38 councilors of Curitiba.

“The colors were stunning, offering a striking contrast and creating a visual feast for the audience, enhanced by the backdrop and the screen colors, which were very engaging and captured our attention,” said Márcia Aversani, the president of Paraná Gymnastics Federation.

“This passion is conveyed to the audience, allowing them to truly appreciate the seamless flow. The interplay of the seating, the dynamics, the pauses, and the powerful music in sync with the choreography was remarkable,” she added.

“It was spectacular. The synchronization captivated me, along with the vibrant costumes and colors, and the fusion of music with dance. Truly, it was an extraordinary show. I absolutely loved it,” said Adriana Maria Wan Stadnik, a university professor and president of Gymnastics Technical Committee for All.

Shen Yun Performing Arts travels with a live orchestra that combines both classical Chinese instruments and Western instruments. This was a feature that had Ms. Wan Stadnik impressed.

“It was impressive how they showcased the instruments, which was key to understanding the sequence of the show and the emergence of the different sounds.”

“I found it stunning, marvelous, and it’s something that nowadays is increasingly scarce—to be able to attend a show and witness not degradation, but the purity of people and the revival of values that we’ve been losing quite a lot recently,” said Elisa Ussan, a banker.

Shen Yun draws its inspiration from China’s five millennia-old, divinely inspired civilization and virtues. A culture that the Chinese Communist Party has systematically tried to uproot after taking over the country in 1949. Audience members appreciated Shen Yun’s efforts and took note of a deeper message.

“The music uplifts your spirit and brings you peace. The message is conveyed through the dance, a message of love, compassion, and self-awareness, encouraging us to improve ourselves. Goodness always triumphs. That’s truly inspiring,” said Regiane Bueno Malinowski, a business owner.

“The way it addresses, as shown in the segment about modern-day crimes, we witness the persecution for religious beliefs and the expression of one’s faith,” said Juliano Medeiros, a doctor. “And to face persecution for it is something I find utterly absurd, and it’s disheartening that it still occurs today. That aspect particularly moved me. It’s a topic that definitely needs to be brought into the conversation and is quite intriguing.”

“I believe it’s very important to reclaim the roots of ancient Chinese dance. Because no regime, regardless of how democratic I am, should allow a tradition to be suppressed, or a cultural heritage to be lost,” said Heloisa Covolan, the former head of advisory at Itaipu Binacional.

Theatergoers were deeply captivated by Shen Yun’s artistry and said the performance left them wanting more.

“Everything comes together as a whole. Including the musical score, which is not recorded but live. It sparks our curiosity about you, leaving us wanting more,” said Sandra Schmuck, a business owner.

“I find it all lovely. It’s breathtaking, a rare spectacle that truly captivates,” she added.

“I’d like to congratulate you, for it’s a performance that encompasses everything. Congratulations on creating such an immersive and comprehensive show,” said Glaucia Yara Mueller, a business owner.

“Keep on sharing this amazing show with the entire world. It deserves to be seen globally. Fantastic,” said Manfredo Evaldo Trauer, the owner of Pérola Joalheria e Otica.

Shen Yun began touring the world in 2006 and now has 8 companies performing around the globe simultaneously. Bringing a brand new program for audiences to enjoy, every season.

NTD News, Curitiba, Brazil