Transforming Our Eating Instincts for Weight Loss

Does trying to eat less really help you to lose weight?

“People who try to eat less are actually very uncomfortable. It’s actually hard to be hungry, and we don’t like it,” says Anna Tobia of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Jefferson University.

“So, the best way to lose weight is actually to control your environment.”

As part of her clinical psychologist role, Ms. Tobia helps people to curb their eating habits and to control eating disorders.

On Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon, she highlights how strategy in buying and eating food can enable weight loss and better health.

“If your weight isn’t where you want it to be, you’re not broken. And this isn’t because of some trauma that happened to you or some difficult situation. You’ve got extra weight because it’s really hard to [lose weight]”, says Ms. Tobia.

Why do we feel so compelled to eat unhealthy, fattening foods?

Ms. Tobia ties our “obesity epidemic” to the survival instincts of our ancient ancestors. Therein may just lie the clues we need to bring our cravings under tighter control.



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Vital Signs’ host, guests, and contributors offer general information on improving health and wellness. This is not intended as diagnosis or medical advice. You should consult your medical doctor or holistic doctor before enacting any suggested strategies for health and wellness improvement, including those in relation to preventing or treating specific diseases featured on this program.

Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of NTD.

Transforming Our Eating Instincts for Weight Loss

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