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July 23, 2020Joshua PhilippViews  

7 Earthquakes Hit Tibet;College Board’s CCP Ties Exposed; Deep dive into Houston’s Chinese Consulate

Tibet was hit by 7 earthquakes in a single day on July 23, mainly ranging from 3.6 to 4.8 magnitude, but with the highest being a 6.6 magnitude earthquake. This follows two recent earthquakes in Tibet and one in Xinjiang.

Meanwhile, The College Board, which develops the SAT test materials, is being called out for its ties to China’s Confucius Institutes. The National Pulse published an exclusive story, that the US College Entrance Exam Board “is helping to embed Chinese Communist Party-funded Confucius Institutes in American high schools, granting the Chinese government the ability to dictate what is taught in classrooms.”

And, the Chinese Consulate in Houston was ordered by the US government on July 22 to close and was given 72 hours to do so. We take an in-depth look at what was said around the closure, and how these may relate to common spy activities run out of Chinese consulates.

These stories and more in this episode of Crossroads.

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