Food Shortage

Food Shortage

Billionaire Bill Gates has poured a fortune into “sustainable” food projects around the world—including here in the United States. In Asia and Europe, it’s led to riots, hunger, and perhaps famine. Is the global elite bringing the same chaos here to America? In this shocking episode of Over the Target, Brendon Fallon and Lee Smith […]
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Look around… supply shortages are everywhere. Last year it was paper products, today it’s baby formula, and tomorrow it will be something else. This crisis will continue to take on new forms and it will get worse before it gets better. Why? Because we are dangerously reliant on imports—consumables produced in other countries that we could make right here at home… but don’t. In fact, we import double the amount China does, even though they have far more people. And data suggests that 75% of our fruit and almost half of our vegetables will be imported in just a few years. And that’s just the beginning...
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