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June 24, 2021Truth Over NewsViews  

Dossier Sources Disavow Dossier | Truth Over News

Although Christopher Steele has been out of the news of late, there has been significant legal activity involving individuals used as sources in his dossier.

A long-running lawsuit filed against Glenn Simpson and his company Fusion GPS by the owners of Alfa-Bank has now reached a critical juncture. Lawyers for the owners of Alfa-Bank have been attempting to depose Igor Danchenko ever since Danchenko was identified as Steele’s primary sub-source. Affidavits from the sources behind claims attributed to Danchenko have now been obtained by Alfa’s legal team. All his sources deny having provided any information for Steele’s dossier.

More importantly, as court documents note, the declarations from Danchenko’s sub-sources call into question the veracity and reliability of not only Mr. Danchenko, but of Steele’s entire dossier.

Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.

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