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July 21, 2021Roman BalmakovViews  

Facts Matter (July 21): George Soros and Bill Gates Backed Organization Buys Out Virus Testing Company

Over in Pennsylvania, one of the counties that was asked to hand over election materials for an audit has decided to not comply. They are refusing to participate in the forensic audit, which might mean that a lawsuit is inevitably coming down the pipe.

Meanwhile, over in Washington D.C., parents have filed a lawsuit over a new law. What law? Well, for the last four months, schools have been allowed to vaccinate children in secret—without parental permission.

And lastly, two days ago, it was announced that Mologic—a COVID-19 testing company (they’re the ones who designed that back of the nose COVID test—have just been bought out by a consortium backed by both George Soros and Bill Gates.

Now, why exactly did Soros and Gates purchase this company?



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