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July 27, 2021Truth Over NewsViews  

How Journalists Helped Promote the Steele Dossier | Truth Over News

One of the primary promoters of the Steele dossier recently came out with yet another Trump–Russia collusion story.

This time, Luke Harding claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered a secret operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Harding has a long history of promoting baseless Russia collusion theories.

Harding broke the story that Trump’s National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn had had an affair with a Russian spy. He also claimed that Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort had visited Julian Assange multiple times. And Harding alleged that the Kremlin had a Russian intelligence officer at the heart of Trump’s campaign.

Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.

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