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September 24, 2020Joshua PhilippViews  

Pompeo Exposes Chinese Spies Targeting US Politicians; China Plans Blacklist on US Companies

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a speech in Wisconsin on September 23 where he exposed some of China’s programs to influence US politicians. He also revealed the State Department is reviewing the activities of two Chinese government organizations involved in these operations in the United States, under the regime’s United Front Work Department, the U.S.-China Friendship Association, and the China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government is planning to create a blacklist of US companies, as a way of retaliating against US sanctions placed on Chinese companies. The Ministry of Commerce published a “Unreliable Entity List” on September 19 of provisions that will be used in the blacklist. Among the points it looks at are “endangering national sovereignty, security or development interests of China,” and for “suspending normal transactions” with any business, organization, or individual of China that the regime believes goes against normal market principles or damages their rights.

And it’s now being revealed that Catholics in China are being persecuted regardless of whether they follow the original religion, or the Chinese government’s altered version under the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association. Even people at state-sanctioned churches are facing threats and intimidation, and the regime is shutting down or destroying churches regardless.

These stories and more in this episode of Crossroads.

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