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August 12, 2021Truth Over NewsViews  

The Coordinated Attack on General Flynn | Truth Over News

A recent inspector general report details the FBI’s unauthorized media leaks during the 2016 presidential election. However, the report once again failed to identify the leakers.

Rather than hold the guilty parties responsible, the report only acknowledged that the FBI’s cultural attitude was too permissive of leaks. And once again, the report fails to address the underlying reasons that lie behind the FBI’s ongoing leak strategy.

The real story is how Clinton operatives, the intelligence community, and the corporate media acted in concert to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

We look at the untold story of the strange sequence of events in mid-2016 that surrounded the FBI’s opening of their investigation into General Michael Flynn.

Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.

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