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June 10, 2021Jeff CarlsonViews  

The Secret Meeting that shaped the Natural Origins Narrative | Truth Over News

After more than a year of cover-ups and denials, corporate media is finally beginning to admit that the lab leak theory of the origin of the CCP (Chinese Communist Partyvirus is looking increasingly likely.

It’s been known all along that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was constructing novel coronaviruses using sample collection from wild bats. There were also prominent warnings issued specifically about the work and biosafety at the lab as early as 2015.

But none of this stopped corporate media from promoting the theory of a natural origin.

Worse still, the idea of pushing the natural origin theory may have originated in a secret teleconference that directly involved Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.

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