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June 22, 2020Joshua PhilippViews  

The Virus Has Allegedly Mutated to Become More Contagious; A Look at The Players Behind the Protests

The CCP Virus has mutated, and the new strain now spreading in Beijing is allegedly more infectious and more deadly than the previous strain. This is according to data released by China’s CDC, which posted three sets of virus sequences, all of which carry the mutation known as D614G. According to Caixin, previous research has shown the mutation could make the virus twice as contagious, and that it may make the virus more deadly as well.

Similar claims are being made by researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida. CNN reported the researchers “believe they have shown that the new coronavirus has mutated in a way that makes it more easily infect human cells.” Scripps Research virologist Hyeryun Choe said in a statement, “Viruses with this mutation were much more infectious than those without the mutation in the cell culture system we used.”

A recent article from Trevor Loudon at The Epoch Times details how two far-left extremist organizations have been playing key roles in the protests and riots around the death of George Floyd. We take an in-depth look at these groups.

These stories and more in this episode of Crossroads.

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