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December 26, 2020Jan JekielekViews  

‘This Is a Precipice’—Tracy Beanz on the 2020 Election, Information Warfare, and Draining the Swamp

Joining us today is grassroots conservative political activist Tracy Diaz, known to most as Tracy Beanz. She’s editor-in-chief of UncoverDC, and host of the podcast “Dark to Light.” We go back in time to discuss the rise of the Tea Party movement, up to the 2020 election, and the role of big tech and corporate media in shaping our perception of reality.

This is American Thought Leaders ????????, and I’m Jan Jekielek.

Jan Jekielek: Tracy Diaz, usually known as Tracy Beanz, such a pleasure to have you on American Thought Leaders.

Tracy Beanz: I’m so glad to be here, Jan. Thank you so much.

Mr. Jekielek: So Tracy, you’re a prominent voice, I could say, among the group of people that are out there looking at this currently contested election saying the Republic is at stake. That’s a big, big statement, of course. I want to get you to talk about that. But you’ve actually been a conservative—sorry, that’s not right. You’ve been a political activist for the better part of 20 years. I wanted to get you to trace your path to today.

Ms. Beanz: It’s been a very interesting journey, that’s for sure. Right after 2001, after the attacks on New York City and 9/11, I was only 21 years old. I got very politically active trying to figure out what was going on. Why did this happen? Why did these people not like us so much that they flew planes into buildings and destroyed a city and a country?

From there, I started learning about the American government more and became more passionate about how it worked, what it did, the different sorts of acts that were enabled after 9/11, to temper terrorism, etc. As I did that, I became very invested in American freedom, American values. I had a family in the military and stuff like that so I was always very patriotic, but it really just took off for me at that point. I really dove right in and it really became like my life’s mission to understand and educate anyone I can get my hands on what was going on in the country and around the world.

Mr. Jekielek: There’s a lot behind what you said. As you were discussing post-9/11, you’re talking about the Patriot Act?

Ms. Beanz: Absolutely, yes. The NDAA, the Patriot Act. A lot of these things that went into motion for the sake of our freedoms here in this country, in order to preserve our liberty here from foreign actors, or whoever they were trying to protect us from, actually encroached a lot on our civil liberty. We gave up a lot of that in favor of security. It really kind of bothered me that we did that.

People didn’t understand at the time that doing that would open up the door to so much more government control over our lives, our everyday lives. Everybody remembers having to take their shoes off at the airport, and all of this stuff with the TSA. [Transportation Security Administration] This stuff was disrupting Americans’ everyday lives. People just went along with it and did as they were told to, because it was keeping us safe. I identified a problem with that.

Because once you give power to an establishment or government, you can’t really get it back. It’s nearly impossible to take it away from them once you give it to them. So I got kind of passionate and fervent about trying to explain to people why this wasn’t the best idea, and maybe we could do it another way. So yes, that’s exactly what I was talking about.

Mr. Jekielek: So at one point, you were actually looking at the Occupy Wall Street movement, right?

Ms. Beanz: Yes, we were down there in New York City in Zuccotti Park. We were saying they were misguided about what they were angry about, the evil capitalists. Why don’t you take a look at the Federal Reserve instead? Let’s do a march to the Federal Reserve Bank, instead of sitting here in Starbucks with our iMac’s typing away about how bad the evil capitalists are, while you’re basically consuming everything that you’re fighting against.

We were pretty successful. We got some folks to open up their eyes. But back then talking about anything that was outside of the mainstream in terms of the government, how it worked, if there was a deep state—those words have become very popular, we were looked at as crazy. People thought we were absolutely nuts. We were relegated to our mom’s basements and tinfoil hats. So to see how far we’ve come, it’s a breath of fresh air, because people scorned us for years, and now they’re coming to accept some of the things we’ve been trying to say.

Mr. Jekielek: What are these things, exactly? You became part of the Tea Party movement in the Republican Party, and you’re bringing these ideas in through there. But what are these ideas that you’re talking about here, that you were scorned about, as you describe?

Ms. Beanz: Well, you know, just the idea that there’s a bunch of unelected bureaucrats that are sitting somewhere making decisions for the American people without any accountability or anyone looking over their shoulder to make sure they’re doing the right thing without being accountable to voters, basically the “seventh floor” as they call it now. The people that sit up there and they’re SES [Senior Executive Service] or they can’t be fired. They’re making policy, they’re in NGO’s. They’re guiding the direction of our country in a way that’s not fundamental to what we’re supposed to be as a republic.

And funny enough, I was part of the big Ron Paul push in 2008 and 2012. We were very much anti-Republican, because we identified that the Republican Party was not for the people. They really weren’t. They were very much about foreign wars and big money and just the antithesis of the everyday American. And so we kind of fought against that a little bit. Even though during the Tea Party, we joined hands and we were rallying for freedom and less government. We weren’t very much GOP establishment types at all. As a matter of fact, they used to call us the ragamuffins, because we were the people dressed in jeans and T-shirts out on the street protesting, and we weren’t in suits and ties. They used to call us ragamuffins.

Mr. Jekielek: Things changed politically, or there was this questioning the establishment movement that the Tea Party ushered in on the Republican side. So tell me about that.

Ms. Beanz: Yes, people started realizing, wait a second, this is not what we want. We don’t want the Affordable Care Act. We don’t want government mandated health care. We don’t want higher taxes. People started realizing the American dream was going by the wayside because of powerful people in Washington, unelected and sometimes elected, who didn’t have the American people’s best interests at heart.

It was really the beginning of this wave of the yearning for liberty again, the yearning for representative government again that had been gone for so long. [It] started back then during the Tea Party, but really has become mainstream now after the election of President Trump back in 2016.

Mr. Jekielek: You actually started blogging at some point, I don’t know if it was earlier, or at the time when the WikiLeaks disclosures started coming out, but there was a lot there. That’s when you actually started amassing a following and becoming an influential voice, as you were explaining what was in there.

Ms. Beanz: Yes, the difference is, I was a very influential voice in what was known as the Liberty movement. I had a huge following. I was doing speaking events everywhere. And when I decided to jump in and support President Trump, because I saw him as a counter to what we’ve been seeing for so long in politicians running for president, I lost a lot of those folks. They weren’t really interested. They thought I was selling out by supporting President Trump.

So I had to rebuild. And what I found is that the general public—not the longtime activists—was much more interested in all of this information. So, when the WikiLeaks came out I dove into them, and with this breadth of knowledge that I had gathered over the past… who knows how many years, I started dissecting them for people in an understandable way so they could understand, why is the Clinton Foundation so important? How come Kissinger is an important guy? What does this connection mean? Why is Citibank picking the cabinet for Barack Obama? All of those foundational concepts.

Because Bernie Sanders had been cheated, for lack of a better word, out of his primary win for the Democratic nomination for president, a lot of progressive-leaning folks were coming to social media to try and learn more about what was in there. Because that information, if you didn’t know what you were looking for, was very hard to decipher.

Mr. Jekielek: So these are the beginnings of the site that you run now, “UncoverDC.”

Ms. Beanz: Yes, in one form or fashion. I started off kind of solo and then I wanted to branch out and really fundamentally shift journalism back to make it honorable again, give people somewhere they could come where they could trust what they were reading. [It’s] not always easy to read. Sometimes there’s going to be stuff that someone you really liked did that just wasn’t right. It was wrong, it was corrupt, or whatever [it was].

But we need to know these things as Americans so we can make informed decisions. We can’t just close the door on the corruption that we don’t want to hear because it bothers us to know that this conservative did X, Y and Z or this Democrat I really liked did X, Y and Z.

Powerful truth is important and sometimes it’s necessary. And I wanted to be someplace where people could trust that what they were reading was actually true, and provide the background information for it so they could look for themselves. And, you know, we’re really in this sort of “information zoo” right now where nobody knows where to go. Nobody knows what to look at. Then there’s a bunch of independent people doing their own research. It’s beautiful, to be honest, it really is.

Mr. Jekielek: Well, now we’re getting into today, into these last few years. You’ve been writing quite a bit about Russiagate or the flip side of it which is called Spygate, the whole scandal around it. You’ve been talking a lot about that. You’ve also talked with me offline about who it is that’s thinking about these things, who it is that’s out of the mainstream—it’s actually quite a large number of Americans, right?

Ms. Beanz: Yes, it is. Look, especially where we’re at right now, and leading up to this, this country has been undergoing a really horrible time in terms of a power struggle. It’s on one side, freedom-loving Americans who just want to put their country first and be prosperous and free and have their liberty. And on the other hand, it’s almost a communist takeover where these two ideologies are really battling. Then there’s this establishment group of politicians and bureaucrats that really don’t want America to be prosperous because then they’re personally not prosperous.

But the American people have woken up to this. It’s almost like a light bulb has gone off in people’s heads. They’ve woken up to the fact that there is indeed this struggle going on for power here and whoever wins in the end is going to set the tone for the next 20 or 30 years. So we’re at a very critical juncture right now.

Spygate was just the beginning of an attempted coup on the presidency of the United States. We’re learning so much more. It’s frustrating to me that there’s been such a propaganda campaign waged against the American people [by] legacy media, and more establishment media, that there’s half of the country, probably a little less, that just doesn’t believe anything if it doesn’t come from one of those places, and those places have been lying to them for decades.

So there’s a trigger for everybody, like, what is it that you hear that wakes you up? All of a sudden, you’re like, “Oh, my gosh, wait, that can’t be true.” Then you do the research, and you’re like, “Ooh, that is true. What else isn’t true?” Then you just go down this road of figuring out you’ve basically been lied to your entire life. And here you are in this brave new world. Where are we going? That’s a lot of the country right now. Everyday men and women going to work every day. They’re figuring this stuff out. It’s really opening a lot of doors for folks to learn how we fix this moving forward? What can we do right now?

Mr. Jekielek: Before we continue, I want to touch on something you said. You mentioned that the people in the bureaucracy, they don’t want America to be prosperous. Because if it is, then they won’t be prosperous. Can you explain to me what you mean there?

Ms. Beanz: Yes, for the longest time, there’s cushy government jobs, there’s cushy lobbying gigs, there’s a lot of money in war. There’s all kinds of these non-governmental organizations and contracts and things like that, that these people that have been running for office and have been elected this long are beholden to and expect, and their families expect it, and their sons and daughters expect it. And that doesn’t happen if those institutions are reformed and fixed and made accountable again.

How much government spending and waste goes into these contracts? Even if you just take Spygate as an example. You take a look at the Office of Net Assessment and what they paid out to certain people for useless papers about things and policy papers. This is the American people’s money that’s being spent this way and bureaucrats and politicians who have been entrenched in this forever expect those things. And if that drives up, their livelihood dries up; and their power.

Mr. Jekielek: I want to now go back to you discussing the media, the powerful role that the corporate media play. I’m thinking back to this very famous book from the late 80’s “Manufacturing Consent” by Noam Chomsky and another author, [Edward S. Herman]. I remember when reading this book, I remember thinking, Okay there’s some interesting stuff here, but I didn’t really think much of it, because it basically alleged this large scale information control, information manipulation, essentially manufacturing the consent of the American people to the will of the elite. And I have to say I’ve been thinking a lot more about this book over the last five years or so and what it was saying, and the truths in it.

Ms. Beanz: It’s sad, but it’s true. But at the same time what we’ve learned, if anything, from our own eyes and seeing social media and videos and even the turnout that was non-fraudulent for the 2020 election [is that] the power of social media and the legacy media in general is [such] that they can amplify the 1 and 2 percent to make them seem as though they’re the 60 and 70 percent and trick the American people into thinking that they’re [own] normal, wholesome views are the minority. But they’re not, they’re actually the majority. So it definitely is information warfare, there is no doubt.

It is playing out right in front of us. So many people understand that. You can just take a look at what happened to some major news outlets after election day and the changes and the way people have run and flocked away from them, because they know they’re being lied to. So it used to be easy, probably back in the day when that book was written, to pull one over on the people. But it’s a lot harder now with the advent of social media.

I don’t think that when they created it, they expected it to turn around like this. The overreaction of these companies to censor ideas, to censor free speech is in direct retaliation for those ideas taking hold for people realizing they’re not the minority, and empowering them to get together and to be activists and to organize. It’s really backfiring immensely. We had that warning on tweets for weeks, “Are you sure you want to quote this tweet?” “Yes, I’m pretty sure I hit the little round button. I really just want to tweet this out. Can you just leave me alone?” It’s [really] been something.

Mr. Jekielek: I have been thinking about this moment when Twitter and Facebook decided to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story from the New York Post, and in other media the Bobulinski emails, and some others and so forth. I’ve been thinking about it as an inflection point in history, in a sense. We’ve known that they have this raw power to control information, the combination of big tech and corporate media, but I don’t think we had seen it exercised in such a way, and so blatantly. What are your thoughts?

Ms. Beanz: When you’re being defeated, you act in ways that are unorganized. You don’t think about your actions before, you just do anything you can to fix the problem. You act without thinking or strategy. That’s what they did, to be honest, because the story then became the censorship of the story.

And more people than would have looked at it if they would have just kept quiet about it the way they normally would with something like that, more people’s eyes were drawn to the sheer 1984-like censorship of the story and wanting to know what that story was, than if they would have just said, “Okay guys, let’s not talk about this, let’s just let this take its natural pathway.”

But they had looped in impeachment to this entire debacle. They, in the House, successfully impeach the president of the United States, because he was asking about the very things we learned were true in these emails a few short months later, so they were all in on it. They were all in on keeping people from knowing this before the election.

They were successful in a large way, because a lot of folks after were pulled by Rasmussen and others, and said, “If I had known that, it would have changed my vote.” Election interference, which we were supposed to be very careful about after 2016, was just flagrantly practiced by our very own media against the American people.

Mr. Jekielek: So President Trump got the most votes of any president, any incumbent president, certainly. Clearly, there were quite a number of Americans that were interested in his policy, his platform and so forth. So who are these Americans? You have a bit of a beat on this, right? You’ve described it as an unexpected coalition, a coalition of very different-minded people. Who are these people?

Ms. Beanz: They’re everyone. I mean, you, me, normal everyday people who just want to save the country. This is not about President Trump, for a lot of people. It’s great that he’s the guy, because most people that are fighting this fight right now absolutely love him and think he’s been an amazing president. But it’s not about that for a good majority of the folks that I speak to anyway.

It is about the fact that we have lots and lots of evidence that bad people—who they are I’m not going to speculate—stole this election from the American people and handed it to somebody who didn’t deserve it. Most of the American public can handle a defeat that they’ve earned. But most of the American people cannot handle a defeat that was scripted. They’re stealing what this country is all about. They’re literally yanking from the American people’s hands their ability to choose their representatives, not just on the presidential side, all the way down ticket.

That’s a problem in a free society. Most Americans that are very involved in this right now, which is a very large swath of Americans, realize that we’re at a precipice here where if we don’t stand up and do something about this now, we’re going to be in trouble. Because if they can do it this time, they’ll do it every time moving forward, and there’s been no accountability thus far.

So people are very worried. They’re worried for the sanctity of what this great country stands for. That’s really everyday Americans: carpenters, iron workers, coal workers, my neighbors, people that don’t know what I do for a living that talk to you. I was walking into the mall and someone stopped me, and they were like, “Can you believe this?” They’re just overwhelmed with fear, anger, trepidation and passion.

Mr. Jekielek: There’s a considerable number of people in the country, from what I can tell, that believe there’s, quote, “No evidence of fraud. It’s all a big sham by the president and other people who support him.” There’s even politicians that have called their colleagues that are raising questions about the contested election, as being seditious. What’s going on here?

Ms. Beanz: There’s a number of things going on. You’ve got a bunch of different groups here. You’ve got the people who really just don’t know any better and are just listening to what their established bastions of truth have been telling them. They believe in their heart of hearts that this is all just crazy Trump supporters and Republicans trying to stop what actually was a really legitimate election, because they can’t take it. Then you’ve got the group of people that absolutely know what has gone on here, and they’re lying to everyone else in order to get them to stay on the train of trying to hijack this country.

There’s lots of evidence of fraud. If you just take a look at Jesse Binnall and his statement in front of Congress the other day, in front of the Senate committee, he laid out using data and lists from the Nevada DMV and death records and all kinds of stuff. All of the illegal votes that have been cast. They liked to talk a lot about disenfranchising voters during the lead up to the election. If you required a signature on an absentee ballot, you were disenfranchising somebody who couldn’t go out of their house because of COVID, or whatever.

All of those tens of thousands of votes in Nevada that were cast illegally disenfranchised tens of thousands of other people who cast their vote legally—literally removed their vote from the tally, their vote didn’t count anymore. [In] Wisconsin, the Supreme Court actually just ruled in favor of the GOP in Wisconsin, of the Republicans in Wisconsin. There was an indefinite confinement issue where 200,000 or so ballots were cast incorrectly under this arcane law, not following guidelines that are now all in question, greater than the margin of victory. This is consistent in many different states.

You don’t have to take a look at just the Dominion voting issue—the machine issue. Take a look at everything else. Pennsylvania; completely legitimate constitutional challenges. Georgia; video evidence of shenanigans going on. I was watching a hearing where there was a senator from Georgia saying, “But our secretary of state told us this wasn’t true.” But the video was playing right next to her, of what the secretary of state denied being true. So we’re at this crossroads of don’t believe your lying eyes, let’s gaslight the entire country, or try to, into thinking that this didn’t happen.

But then you’ve got GOP representatives in Congress, certain senators, people inside of Pennsylvania whose state is being sued by Texas, jumping onboard Texas’s side of the lawsuit to sue their own state. This doesn’t happen for some conspiracy theory. We’re in the midst of a contested election in the United States of America, it’s very real. It’s ultimately how it’s going to play out that will make a difference.

Mr. Jekielek: For the typical person, and frankly even for myself, when people are dealing with such fundamentally different sets of information, how can they communicate? I’m asking you, because you’ve been in this situation where you’ve been speaking to people of quite widely different political views, and catching their attention. As far as I can tell, the situation right now is one where people are just dealing with fundamentally different information, and [they’re] pretty sure they’re right about the information they have.

Ms. Beanz: Yes, on one side, the “there was no fraud” side, the problem is that they don’t have any information. If it was more easily available to them, if somebody could say, look at this, for example, print out the 36-page report from Peter Navarro and sit it down in front of someone and have them just read it. Then ask them, can you tell me what part of this you think is false?

It’s as simple as that. And that comes down to everyday Americans doing that with their family around the Christmas dinner table, as sad as that sounds. It’s that important. A lack of information causes you to make absolutely horrific decisions in any situation in life. I don’t think it’s that there’re two different sets of information. I think there’s a lack of information that people have, to people who have a lot of information on their side.

Mr. Jekielek: Tracy, one of the criticisms I’ve heard about the whole MAGA movement has been a certain sort of fervor or unquestionable loyalty to President Trump. At least this is what people are alleging. You’re in a unique position to talk about this. What do you think?

Ms. Beanz: I don’t think it’s loyalty to President Trump. I think that it’s loyalty to this idea of somebody, or a way to be the underdog. Or the guy who’s going to change it all, the person that’s representing the everyman. The idea that it doesn’t have to be some swampy sort of establishment figure at the helm of the country. And that every American can kind of win. They’re passionate because over the past five to six years, they’ve learned that basically everything they’ve known their entire lives was a lie.

And when you first realize that you’ve been lied to that significantly on such a broad scale, you want to tell everyone you know about it. You want everybody to understand that they too have been lied to for basically their entire lives. And you get very passionate about that, and you want to scream it from the rooftops. It comes off as off-putting to people who are just not there, who are just going about their daily life. They don’t understand what’s going on, but you do. And you want to tell them and when that first happens, you’re overwhelmed with that passion.

It’s hard to explain, actually. So that’s what we’re experiencing with a very large swath of the American population who say, “Oh my gosh, this outsider came into the White House. Look at what we’ve accomplished. Look at what we’ve been able to do. This has been absolutely amazing. I care so much about my country. I’ve got this renewed sense of patriotism. I want to make sure people are held accountable for the bad things they’ve done.”

Everybody wouldn’t be coming after him like this if he was doing something wrong for the American people, like we know what’s been going on for the past 20, 30, 40 years. He’s changing it all. It’s not about him. It’s the idea that it can be done. He’s a great representative of that. He is the perfect person to do it. And he’s shown that he will. That’s why people are still fighting, in my opinion. That’s why it’s off-putting to people, because they just don’t get it.

Mr. Jekielek: It’s fascinating, because it’s a bit unexpected—a billionaire from Queens to have taken on this. You’re basically saying he’s like a talisman or he represents this idea.

Ms. Beanz: Yes, he does. As much as he is a billionaire from Queens, he’s a normal guy who just happens to be a genius, and represents Americans. He understands them. He understands what we need, he understands what we want. He understands what we care about. He cares about us.

You know, I’ve never seen a more transparent president before. I’ve never seen a president who cared so much, who connected so much with the American people as this president does. You feel like he’s your friend or your uncle or your cousin down the road. That is the way it’s supposed to be.

We have grown accustomed to being thought of as subjects, and it’s actually the opposite way around in this country. We are their boss! And people have forgotten that over the years. We tell them what to do. They represent us. It’s not the other way around. President Trump allowed that to be at the forefront. And he said it many, many times as well.

Mr. Jekielek: So how do you respond to this? One of the most common things that I hear from corporate media, people in the White House press room have literally said this to the president—that he lies.

Ms. Beanz: He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t lie, trust me. I have searched and searched for lies. They don’t exist. The man is probably the most, outside of General Flynn, probably the most investigated gentleman on the face of the earth. They say whatever they need to say to be able to advance their narrative. Ask them for specifics.

The Lesley Stahl interview has come up several times over the past few weeks, where they were sitting down and she was basically saying, “There’s no evidence that you were [spied on], we have to present facts on this show, Mr. President.” Meanwhile, Joe Biden is running around saying, “I never did any work with Ukraine or China.” It’s upside down. Get better people in that press room immediately, because there needs to be counters to that, there needs to be.

Mr. Jekielek: Then let’s get to the big question in mind, that we started off here with, which was your assertion that in all of this right now, the very Republic is at stake. What do you mean when you say that?

Ms. Beanz: If we are unable to conduct elections with integrity in a republic, a constitutional republic where our entire governmental system, the rule of law, everything is based on the vote, then we cease to exist as a country.

It is absolutely abhorrent that we have law-breaking going on across the country all the time by people who are supposed to be working for us to make sure that these things go the right way. And for anyone to think they can come in and steal the American people’s choice, it’s a grave injustice. It’s the destruction of the fabric of what our country stands for. I will not allow that to continue without doing my part, whatever that may be, to try and save it.

Americans need to really understand it’s not about you being a Democrat or Republican. If you’re a Democrat, you need to understand that you think you might be doing something noble here by either not learning about what’s going on or not being active in the process. Or maybe you know that there’s been cheating, but you just don’t really care because you got your desired outcome. You need to understand that this is a precipice for this country right now. If we cannot count on our elections, we no longer live in a constitutional republic. The Constitution is not worth the piece of paper that it was printed on all those years ago anymore. It’s that important, it really is.

Mr. Jekielek: So what would satisfy you in terms of resolving the question of the contested election?

Ms. Beanz: What would satisfy me would be legitimate forensic audits of all of the machines in the contested states, legitimate signature audits in all of the contested states and counties, where people are allowed to be watching, allowed to be participating in the process as per law, where there’s transparency. And if at the end of the day, after all of this checking and double-checking is done, and everything’s investigated and the American people can see that process and feel confident that it’s been done correctly, if then President Trump didn’t win, he didn’t win.

But I don’t believe [we can accept] after the stopping of counting, and hundreds of thousands of ballots being all of a sudden injected into the count, mathematical and statistical improbabilities happening. It’s the antithesis of what most of the honest polls said, all of a sudden happening. We’re being asked to believe that all of these things that are nearly impossible all happened all at once, at the same time on the same day.

And when we ask questions about it, we’re being told that we’re not patriotic, that we’re treasonous, and that we’re seditious. Does that sound normal to you? It’s not. It’s not normal. So I want it to be audited. I want the whole thing laid out. And at the end of the day if that’s done, then I’d accept a loss, but I don’t think we did.

Mr. Jekielek: There is an important election still coming up very, very soon in Georgia, the Georgia runoffs. How is that looking to you right now?

Ms. Beanz: I’ve seen a lot of people directing Georgians what to do with their vote in the Georgia election. That bothers me. It’s a personal thing. I don’t feel like anyone should dictate to others what they should do in any given scenario. But the process is shaping up to be just as bad as the general one was, and if the general one was run correctly, we might not need a run-off. So I think that getting to the bottom of what happened in Georgia might alleviate the need for this election in the first place.

It’s weird to watch this landscape where there’s everybody begging everyone, “Please go out and vote, please go out and vote.” But then other people are like, “Well, they’re doing the same thing? How are you going to know if your vote even really counted?” People have lost faith in the election process; on both sides. Regardless of what happens at the end of all this, people have lost faith in the election process. That’s a horribly terrifying place for us to be in this country.

Whatever Georgians do, they’re smart people and they’ll do, but what’s the point if they’re just going to do the same thing over with the cheating and the lax rules and the drop boxes and everything else? It’s horrible, it’s really sad.

Mr. Jekielek: But presumably, this is something that can still be corrected?

Ms. Beanz: Well, we hope so. But they’re not doing much to correct anything. Nobody’s taking the action needed. They’re already saying they’re going to keep people out, they’re not going to be able to get closer than six feet. The signature audit they’re doing right now, they’re not letting [poll] watchers in to watch. They’re stuck 60 feet away; gentlemen are taking pictures of themselves, “look, we can’t see anything.” That’s after all this has been uncovered. What’s changing? I haven’t seen anything change. I have no confidence in what’s going on there.

If they would just let poll watchers in, that would give me confidence. If they would do a hand count after and a real audit, a pen and trace audit afterwards and really audit the vote in all of these places, immediately afterwards. [It would give me confidence] if they didn’t kick people out and [then] keep counting when they were gone just because they didn’t want them to see, if they didn’t pull ballot boxes from underneath tablecloths in the middle of the night and start counting based off an excuse we learned was not even true. Transparency, that’s all sunlight. Give us sunlight on this election. And then I’ll be confident. Until then, no.

Mr. Jekielek: There are a few dates that are coming very quickly. You described a little earlier what would satisfy you in general. We’re looking at January 6, and then we’re looking at January 20. Is there enough time to resolve this?

Ms. Beanz: Yes, I do feel there is. I think that confidence is growing. It’s really up to the American people to keep fighting here. Because if you give up and go home, then… The public needs to be vocal and loud about this so that the representatives who are representing you know what your voices are saying. If you’re screaming for them to do the right thing, they’ll likely end up doing it.

There’re more and more investigations happening. There’s a controversy in Arizona right now. There’s a Supreme Court decision in Wisconsin. There’s stuff going on in Pennsylvania. They sent challenging and competing slates of electors to the Electoral College because they wanted this to continue to get more information for the American people, to figure out what went on here, to understand it.

And at the end of the day, if they can’t figure it out in time then our congressional representatives and our senators have a duty under the Constitution of the United States of America to decide what they’re going to do with the slates of electors moving forward. The Constitution rests this power strictly in their hands. They should really sit down and pray a little bit and decide how they want to move forward, because it’s really all on their shoulders.

Mr. Jekielek: Tracy, any final thoughts before we finish up?

Ms. Beanz: Thank you for having me here today and letting me talk to your audience, all of whom respect you so much, as do I. You’ve done a fantastic job. It’s very important if you find an information source that you can trust, like The Epoch Times, or UncoverDC. Make sure you share it with your friends, get good information in front of people, empower them to make good decisions. We’re in the midst of some crazy times right now, but stay positive. Just keep fighting because it’s very important what we’re fighting for. I love and appreciate all of you.

Mr. Jekielek: Tracy Diaz, or Tracy Beanz, such a pleasure to have you on.

Ms. Beanz: Thank you so much.

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

American Thought Leaders is an Epoch Times show available on YouTube, Facebook, and The Epoch Times website. It airs on Verizon Fios TV and Frontier Fios on NTD America (Channel 158).
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