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February 24, 2022Truth Over NewsViews  

Why Sussmann’s ‘Good Samaritan’ Defense Could Backfire | Truth Over News

Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann has now replied to the recent bombshell filing from special counsel John Durham—not once, but twice.

Durham—who is prosecuting Sussmann for lying to the FBI—revealed that Sussmann and an IT executive called Rodney Joffe, had exploited Joffe’s access to internet traffic at the White House, as well as Trump Tower and Trump’s Central Park apartment building.

In a first filing last week, Sussmann complained that Durham should not have made those disclosures in a public filing. Notably, Sussmann chose not to dispute the substance of Durham’s allegation. Now, in a second filing, Sussmann is attempting to get Durham’s case against him thrown out.

Sussmann’s defense? That he and Joffe were merely Good Samaritans who reported suspicious activities and were not in any way trying to frame Trump. But is that really true? Ironically, it’s Sussmann’s own latest filing that proves it is not.

Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.

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