Former Taiwanese First Lady Enjoys the Human Goodness at Shen Yun

March 16, 2018

Wu Shu-chen and her husband, Chen Shui-bian, the former president of Taiwan from 2000 to 2008, enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Jihde Hall of the Kaohsiung Cultural Center in Taiwan, on March 14.

“The quality of the performance is well-known to everyone. It’s world class,” said Wu Shu-chen, former First Lady of Taiwan. “Not only in its beauty but also in Chinese history. The dance, the costume forms in the settings of different dynasties, it’s very meticulous and splendid.”

With a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture, the performance brings to the audience 5,000 years of culture and legendary stories through classical Chinese dance and music.

The message which stood out for Wu Shu-chen was the universal theme of good overcoming evil, and how the power of goodness can transform the world.

“What’s rather touching [in the performance] is how compassion is played out, compassion defeats the evil. This part really touches my heart. I think Shen Yun can bring out the goodness within all of us, and eliminate the evil that exists in society,” said Wu Shu-chen.

“No matter who you are or what social status you have, or even a president, especially our President Tsai Ing-wen, I think she has this responsibility and obligation to purify everyone’s hearts. I think this is good for everyone.”

New York-based Shen Yun began its 2018 Asia tour on Feb. 22. This year, Shen Yun will perform 34 performances in seven cities in Taiwan. President Tsai Ing-wen, and nearly 100 other elected officials sent welcome messages and letters to Shen Yun.