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Facts Matter Full Episodes

The CDC is one of the organizations pushing all of the COVID-19 guidance in this country—which says, among other things, that everyone above the age of 5 should be getting vaccinated. Politicians in this country took their guidance and used it as justification for the various concrete policies that we’ve been seeing for the past […]
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Facts Matter (April 27): Leaked Audio From Internal Twitter Meeting Reveals Execs Scrambling to Cope, Musk Clarifies ‘Free Speech’ Stance
Facts Matter (April 25): Over 60K Voters on Rolls Are Dead, or Registered Twice: NC Report; Ballot Harvesting Lawsuit in WI
Facts Matter (April 21): Investigation Reveals Effort To CONCEAL Lab Leak Research; GOP Lawmakers Send Letter, Demand Answers
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Facts Matter (April 15): Exclusive: Election Watchdog Exposes 4.8M Ballot Harvesting Scheme in 6 States: Catherine Engelbrecht
Facts Matter (April 14): Biden’s Employer Mandate REINSTATED By Appeals Court; Mask Mandate Extended; More Coming
Facts Matter (April 13): New Documents Show NIH Funded ‘Gain-of-Function’ Research in China: Expert’s Analysis
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Facts Matter (April 6): Emails Reveal Joe Biden Wrote College Letter for Chinese CEO’s Son, Had Own Set of Keys to Office
EXCLUSIVE: Navy Seals’ Lawyer Explains Expansion of Vaccine Mandate Block
Facts Matter (April 4): Election Watchdog Finds 137,500 Ballots Unlawfully Trafficked in Wisconsin, 4.8M Nationwide At Least
Facts Matter (April 1): AZ Attorney General Issues Criminal Referral of Secretary of State for Possible Election Crimes
Facts Matter (March 31): CIA Officer Who Signed Hunter Laptop Letter Boasts About Defeating Trump; MSM Begins Exposing Emails
Facts Matter (March 30): 100% Vaccinated Cruise Ship Hit With COVID Outbreak; CDC Recommends 4th Dose; Hints of a 5th Dose
Facts Matter (March 29): Fauci Admits Natural Immunity, Says He’s Stepping Down Soon, Braces For Investigations
Facts Matter (March 28): 28th Amendment to US Constitution: Stops Big Money From Local Elections; 57% Ratified
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Facts Matter (March 21): CDC Says It Accidentally Inflated Children’s Virus Death Numbers Due to ‘Coding Logic Error’
Facts Matter (March 18): Hunter Biden Laptop Confirmed to Be Authentic by New York Times and DOJ; Secret Emails Being Investigated
Facts Matter (March 17): New Law Sets up Election Police Force, Budget of $3.5M to Investigate Fraud
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Facts Matter (Feb. 22): CDC Caught Hiding Troves of Data: Not Publishing Critical Hospitalization, Booster, and Virus Data
Facts Matter (Feb. 21): CDC Spending $5,000 Per Shot to Convince Minorities; Bill Gates Calls Omicron ‘Type of Vaccine’
Facts Matter (Feb. 18): Hillary Clinton Responds To Trump Spying Scandal; Deep Dive into Her Explanation
Facts Matter (Feb. 17): 2 New Studies Find Natural Immunity is Strong Against Omicron, 88% Protection from Serious Cases
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Facts Matter (Feb. 11): Six Provinces Lift Mandates After Protests Continue; Secret Phone Recording of Ontario Premier
Facts Matter (Feb. 9): Pfizer Quietly Adds Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical, or Safety Data’ May Impact Business
Facts Matter (Feb. 8): Study Finds Lower IQ in Post-Lockdown Babies; 364% Surge in Toddler Speech Therapy Referrals
Facts Matter (Feb. 7): CDC Signals Changes to COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule, in Part to Address Heart Inflammation
Facts Matter (Feb. 4): Court Strikes Down ‘No-Excuse’ Mail-In Voting Law, Rules it Unconstitutional in Pennsylvania
Facts Matter (Feb. 3): FDA Suddenly Removes Data on Moderna Vaccine Approval Which Showed 2.6x Heart Inflammation
Facts Matter (Feb. 2): Collusion of White House, Legacy Media, and Big Tech Reveals State-Sanctioned Censorship
Facts Matter (Feb. 1): Durham Court Filing Reveals DOJ Inspector General Withheld 3 Pieces of Key Evidence From Team
Facts Matter (Jan. 31): George Soros Pours $125M into Super PAC Ahead of Midterms; Biden Spends $1.8B on Chinese Test Kits
Facts Matter (Jan. 28): FDA Asks Judge To Delay First 55K Batch Of Vaccine Docs; Pfizer Lawyers Move to Intervene in Case
Facts Matter (Jan. 27): Massive Trucker ‘Freedom Protest’ Against Vaccine Mandates, 45 Miles Long
Facts Matter (Jan. 26): CDC Sued for Withholding Vaccine Safety Data; British Medical Journal Demands Release of Trial Data
Facts Matter (Jan. 25): Scientists Who Pushed ‘Natural Origins’ Narrative Received Over $50M in NIAID Funding in 2020-2021
Facts Matter (Jan. 24): Vaccine Mandate on Federal Workers Blocked Nationwide; Tony Podesta Paid $1M to Lobby for China Firm
Facts Matter (Jan. 21): New CDC Study Shows Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination Against Delta Variant
Facts Matter (Jan. 20): All Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates, and Work Restrictions End in England: Virus Treated Like Flu
Facts Matter (Jan. 19): Judge Overturns Florida Election, Cites ‘Illegal’ Votes; Council Member Ousted and Replaced
Facts Matter (Jan. 18): Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How He Profited From Pandemic, Invested in Chinese Companies
Facts Matter (Jan. 14): Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s Mandate on Businesses in All 50 States
Facts Matter (Jan. 13): Fully Vaccinated People Hospitalized For Virus Surpass Unvaccinated, in Australia
Facts Matter (Jan. 12): Documents Show Bill Gates Gave $319 Million to Media Outlets, Promotion of Global Agenda
Facts Matter (Jan. 11): New Fauci Emails Released by Lawmakers Point to Potential Lab Leak ‘Cover Up’
Facts Matter (Jan. 10): Judge Blocks Vaccine Mandate For US Navy SEALS, Issues Injunction Against Pentagon
Facts Matter (Jan. 7): Rejects FDA Request, Gives Agency 8 Months to Produce Pfizer’s Safety Data
Facts Matter (Jan. 6): Omicron Spreads Faster Than Delta Within ‘Fully Vaccinated and Boosted’ Individuals: New Study
Facts Matter (Jan. 5): Georgia Opens Investigation Into Possible Illegal Ballot Harvesting, Video Evidence
Facts Matter (Dec. 30): 7 States Rebel Against Pentagon: Won’t Comply with National Guard Vaccine Mandates
Facts Matter (Dec. 28): US Navy Warship Suffers Virus Outbreak Among ‘100 Percent Immunized’ Crew
Facts Matter (Dec. 24): New Bill Allows for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim
Facts Matter (Dec. 23): New Emails Reveal Evidence of Government Efforts to ‘Take Down’ Free Speech
Facts Matter (Dec. 22): New Bill Allows Parents, Workers to Sue Over Racist Indoctrination
Facts Matter (Dec. 21): 95 Percent Vaccinated Cruise Ship Experiences Virus Outbreak; 48 Cases within a Week
Facts Matter (Dec. 17): FDA Issues New Vaccine Warning; CDC Panel Advises Against Johnson Vaccine
Facts Matter (Dec. 16): Judge Requires Hospital to Treat Patient With Ivermectin or Pay $10,000 Per Day Fine
Facts Matter (Dec. 15): $548 Million Given to Informants by FBI and Other Agencies, Many Commit ‘Authorized’ Crime
Facts Matter (Dec. 14): CDC Data Shows 79% of Omicron Patients Were “Fully Vaccinated,” 32% Had Booster
Facts Matter (Dec. 13): New Study Finds Natural Immunity 6 Times More Protective Over Time Than Vaccine Alone
Facts Matter (Dec. 8): FEC Votes to Allow Foreigners to Finance U.S. Ballot Initiatives, Referendums, Recalls
Facts Matter (Dec. 7): Florida Forms New Civilian Military Force That Reports to Governor DeSantis
Facts Matter (Dec. 6): 3,200 Fully Vaccinated Cruise Passengers Suffer Massive Outbreak, 17 Confirmed Cases
Facts Matter (Dec. 2): Federal Judge Expands Ban on Mandate 100% of States; 10.3M Health Workers Affected
Facts Matter (Dec. 1): New Twitter CEO’s Anti-White Tweet; New Censorship-Like “Policy Change”; Stock Price Tanks
Facts Matter (Nov. 30): 9,000 US Marines Defy Pentagon’s Mandate; Federal Judge Blocks Mandate in 10 States
Facts Matter (Nov. 29): New Study Shows Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection, Severe Disease
Facts Matter (Nov. 26): People Ordered to Mask Up at Home; Fauci Says Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Could Be Changed
Facts Matter (Nov. 24): Oklahoma National Guard Rebels Against Pentagon, Rejects Mandate After Sudden Change of Command
Facts Matter (Nov. 19): 14 Children Given Incorrect Dose of Vaccine in Antioch; Families Want Flu Shots, Given Pfizer Instead
Facts Matter (Nov. 18): Lawsuit Reveals that FDA Wants 55 Years to Fully Release Pfizer Vaccine Data
Facts Matter (Nov. 17): OSHA Suspends Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate After Court Block
Facts Matter (Nov. 16): “Fully Vaccinated” Definition Changes to Include Booster; Analysis Reveals Cloth Masks Not Good
Facts Matter (Nov. 15): Letter From CDC Admits They Have ZERO Record of Naturally Immune People Transmitting Virus
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